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A/N - This has Ghostinnit! Sorry if you're not a fan of Ghostinnit, you can skip if you like. If you are, I hope you enjoy.

TW: Bombs, swearing, slight mentions of gore (nothing graphic, just because of the bombs)

Sam had tried to be enough for Tommy. He had tried to be the brother Techno and Wilbur always forgot they were, the father Phil failed to be, and the protector Dream pretended he was. And for a while, he was enough. He was able to protect Tommy from the dangers of the world that the boy had been facing alone for too long.

But in the end, Sam was one person, and Jack and Niki were two.

He was happily working on the hotel one day when he heard the boom, and although it seemed impossible, through his ringing ears he could hear the scream beneath it all.

He prayed to whatever gods there were that what he was most scared of hadn't happened. But the only god here was Dream, and he would never hear Sam's prayers.

When he arrived, he saw Jack and Niki standing side by side, next to a giant fucking hole in the ground, most likely made by nukes. Jack wore a punchable smirk, but Niki's face scared Sam. The vicious anger looked foreign on her sweet, caring features, and she looked like she had gotten revenge on someone she had hated for years. Surely she didn't hate Tommy that much, right?

After Sam recovered from his shock, he desperately looked around for a blond boy wearing red and white. He saw nothing and allowed a small sliver of hope that maybe Tommy had gotten away. But that hope was crushed when, among the ash falling from the sky, a burnt piece of fabric fell. It was from Tommy's shirt, and Sam knew that Tommy hadn't made it. The blast was so strong that it blew the boy's body to smithereens, leaving nothing to bury.

Sam knew better than to hope he would respawn. That was his last canon life, and no one knew what would happen next.

Five days later, a grave had been made in Tommy's honor. No one did anything to Niki and Jack, too busy mourning the loss. But the two murderers knew better than to think they would be welcome when everything was over, and slinked away to an unknown location for a while.

Sam kept working on the hotel, but he would often move his hand to his face to wipe away sweat and come away with fingers wet from tears instead.

For five days, no one spoke. For five days, there was no laughing or sobbing or much speaking at all. For five days, the only sound was music coming from the grave because Tubbo had put a jukebox there and would play Tommy's discs whenever he visited, which was constantly.

On the sixth day, there was a human sound again. It came in the form of a choked sob from Puffy, and everyone nearby followed the sound to see her on the ground in front of a small figure.

There was a boy sitting cross-legged in the middle of the Prime Path, his head cocked curiously as he watched Puffy cry. His eyebrows furrowed in concern, and he leaned over childishly to give her a pat on the shoulder. But his hand just went through her shoulder, so he pulled away, gently floating to a stand.

There was ash in his hair and rips in his shirt, but everyone could see it was Tommy. A paler, greyer, emptier Tommy.

Sam rushed forward, and the ghost met his eyes. Tears were streaming continuously down his grey skin, but he was smiling and Sam was too because he had his son back.

"Hello, Sam Nook!"

"Hello Tommy," Sam sniffled.

Tubbo stepped out from behind the small crowd, his eyes blown wide and his lip quivering.

"...Tommy? Is it really you?"

"Tubbo! Hello, Big Man. How are you?"

Tubbo didn't answer, too in shock.

Everyone could immediately see that something had changed. He wasn't just grey now; he was smaller and quieter, but his back wasn't hunched over from the weight of his responsibility and trauma. His eyes lost their blue and he looked so, so tired, but he was smiling wider than he had in a long time.

"Tommy, what do you remember?"

The boy looked at Puffy after she asked the question, then looked away into the distance. Finally, he spoke. "I remember flashes of things. I remember wearing a uniform while standing in a line with my friends and feeling really proud, and I remember sitting on a bench with Tubbo and feeling really happy. I remember Puffy and Sam and being safe. I remember bad feelings too, but they feel really far away, and I don't see anything when I think of them."

Everyone was relieved. The boy didn't remember anything bad. Then, the group realized that he wouldn't remember L'Manberg and Pogtopia and everything he had fought for. What other good things would be erased from his memory because it was attached to something bad?

Tubbo said quietly, "Do you remember Phil? And Techno, and Wilbur?"

"Oh, Wilbur! He's my brother!"

"What about Phil and Techno?" Puffy wondered.

"Hm... I don't recognize those names. Are they friends of yours?"

"Tommy... Techno is your brother. Phil is your father. You don't remember?" Sam asked.

Confused, Tommy responded, "But Sam, you're my father, and Puffy is my mother. And Wilbur and Tubbo are my brothers. I have... another family?"

Sam and Tubbo both teared up at this, proud that they were able to be Tommy's family when his other one wasn't enough.

"Yes, you have another family. But we're your family, Tommy, and we're so happy you're back."

"Me too! I don't remember anything from before the dark, but the dark was scary and you couldn't see anyone's faces. They were always whispering and no one would talk to me. But here, people talk to me and the sun's out and everything is brighter!"

The group chuckled; it seems the boy had adopted the childish persona he had been forced to grow out of too young.

It hurt to see his grey eyes and shrunken body, and they knew they would never get back the Tommy who was a spitfire full of curse words, but he was at peace now, and they could rebuild this world into something that was finally safe. 

(A/N, skip if you're not interested)

More Minecraft AU, this time with Ghostinnit! I write Philza as a nice dad most of the time even though he's not on the SMP, but I really wanted some Awesamdad so here he is.

I didn't spend too much time focusing on what Tommy does and doesn't remember, so just to clarify: he remembers feelings and uses those to connect to memories. He isn't necessarily capable of feeling all those emotions anymore, but he can remember them, although some emotions don't trigger memories because those memories are bad.

Feel free to leave requests!

I hope you enjoyed.

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