A Father's Instincts (3)

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A/N - Three cheers for Eret in this chapter! Also quickly going to ask you all to listen to Dream's song and watch his newest manhunt because they're both insane. Green boy is becoming too powerful.

TW: Swearing

"What the fuck?" Eret muttered. They had gotten lost gathering materials to repair their castle. After a few years, the stone was cracking and the wood was starting to creak. While out in the woods, they had looked up and seen a treehouse sitting there. Deep in the forest. In the middle of nowhere. Eret, being a smart person, wondered who had built it and if they were around here somewhere.

Normally, they would respectfully go on their way and not disturb whoever was living here, but this server was invite-only. There shouldn't be a stranger hiding deep in the woods.

Eret pulled out their sword and cautiously advanced. The treehouse looked empty, but like it had been recently inhabited. They crept up the ladder attached to the tree and poked their head through the entrance. Eret was surprised to see small, beady eyes staring back at them, and they jerked away when the creature to whom the eyes belonged to darted out from the shadows and hissed. There were things all over the floor of the little house... orange peels? What?

They slowly looked up to see a sign hanging above their head. "Clementine's House", it said.

"Are you Clementine?" Eret questioned the animal. They thought it was a raccoon, but it was dark and they couldn't be sure.

Unlike her previous aggressive hiss, the animal responded with an adorable chitter and wiped its paws on its nose. Eret almost forgot to be surprised that it could understand them by how endearing it was.

"Aren't you a cutie?"

The raccoon didn't respond, dashing out another entrance of the treehouse that went straight into the air, no ladder.

Clementine landed gracefully on the forest floor and made a dash to the right. It looked back a few times at Eret, almost as if gesturing for them to hurry up.

"Hey, wait!" Eret shouted. They stumbled down the ladder and tried to keep up with the animal darting through the trees. In the daylight, they could see that it was, indeed, a raccoon.

After chasing the animal for a good three minutes, they had to stop to rest and catch their breath. I'm spending a little too much time in my castle, they thought.

After calming down their racing heartbeat, they slowly looked up and gasped. The little raccoon had led them to a picturesque clearing, with a small cottage sitting neatly in the middle. Next to it was a farm, and a chicken coop. It all looked homey and welcoming, and Eret wondered if Niki or Tubbo had come out here and built it - they seemed like the only two capable of making something this nice.

But they were busy in L'Manberg and had been for a while now, ever since Tommy left.



Eret shook their head in an attempt to clear the thought from their mind. They couldn't allow themselves even a sliver of hope; everyone had spent so long mourning the boy's disappearance and Eret was finally smiling and laughing again.

But hope was sneaky and it managed to wiggle its way back into their brain when their eyes landed on an oak bench with a jukebox next to it, and they didn't try to stop themselves from wondering and hoping.

Luckily, their questions were quickly dispelled when a figure came out of the cottage. Eret darted behind a tree and observed.

The figure had a bushy tail coming from his pants and fluffy ears nestled between his golden strands of hair. Clementine made an appearance again by dashing towards the raccoon hybrid and jumping into his arms, and the boy gracefully caught the big ball of fur, wrapping his arms around the creature in a fatherly way. Eret heard a low chuckle followed by a series of chitters from the two and assumed they were conversing. The boy softly scratched Clementine's head and made his way inside, but suddenly stopped.

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