Heartbreak (Bisexual Innit part 3)

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A/N -  Thank you to gaiabwgasis for requesting this! I'm so sorry it's disgustingly late. I wonder whether you guys are going to be excited that there is actually a third part to this series or upset because of what happens. I guess we'll find out.

Tommy's already in college, but imagine he has to move across the country to go to his dream college that he was accepted into. Let me remind you that inaccuracies like this don't matter because I can do what I want.

TW: None

"We were supposed to last forever," Tommy whispered. He felt two pairs of hands, one pair rubbing his shoulders and another pair holding his own cold, pale hands in their calloused warmth. He wished he could find comfort in the touches, but all it did was remind him that those hands weren't Dante's. 

Tommy remembered marveling at how Dante's hands never got dry, no matter the weather, and admiring the rich caramel color on the back that faded to a rosy cream on his palms. He remembered how they were always finding his own in a crowd or when they were crossing the street. 

"I know Tommy, I'm sorry. It's going to hurt really bad for a little while, but it gets better with time, and we'll be here to help you all the way. I promise that eventually, you'll learn to live without him." Wilbur's words were meant to give him hope, but they only made the tears fall from Tommy's eyes faster.

"How am I supposed to learn to live without him if he's the one who taught me how to live?" Tommy choked out, his voice cracking. Memories raced through his head, of the sunsets and the carnival's Ferris wheel. Of riding a skateboard down the sidewalk, the taller boy running along beside him to make sure he didn't fall. He remembered how their laughs echoed across the pavement that evening in the dim yellow light of the streetlamps, and his heart clenched even more. 

Wilbur moved his hands from Tommy's shoulders to wrap around his torso in a tight hug, and Techno squeezed Tommy's hands.

"Look on the bright side, you get to go to your dream college! You worked so hard for this," Wilbur said, releasing Tommy from the hug and kneeling in front of him. Tommy gave him a sad, watery smile. "I just wish it didn't have to cost me him. I wonder, is it worth it?"

Wilbur sat there for a moment, thinking of the best response. Before he could begin, Techno spoke up. "That's a question that you need to think very, very hard about. I know it hurts right now and it doesn't seem like it's worth it, but what would Tommy two years ago say? Tommy, who worked so hard every single day to get you to where you are now. What would he say?"

"He would say to stop being such a simp," Tommy said automatically, making Wilbur bark out a laugh. Even Techno chuckled. "But seriously? I think he would tell me to go to the college I've always wanted. I've worked so hard to get a spot there and relationships like ours usually come to an end anyway, and I shouldn't throw this opportunity away." Techno nodded, a hint of approval in his eyes. "I just wish I didn't have to get my heart broken," He whispered after. His tears resumed, and they didn't stop for a long, long time. Luckily, he had his brothers there with him, and he knew they wouldn't go anywhere.

(A/N, skip if you're not interested)

I haven't written anything this short in a while, wow. 

I've got two more parts to 'Distress' drafted, and I like their plot but I don't think anyone else is going to like what happens because I took the SBI pack dynamic I said the story was for and aggressively threw it out the window. 

Let me know if you have any suggestions or requests, hope you enjoyed.

Edit: I feel like I need to explain what happened here. They are high school sweethearts who amicably and mutually decided to separate rather than have a long-term relationship because of the distance made by going to college. Neither of them did anything, and Dante is probably hurting just as much.

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