Old Friends (LBLAC pt. 2)

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Requested by Lunarwolf5000 and feralmoonster for a part two.

TW: swearing


"Phil, I really don't think this is a good idea," Technoblade warned, but the blond just rolled his eyes fondly. "Oh hush, you just don't want to talk to people. Aren't you glad that Wilbur's back?"

Techno didn't want to tell Phil that no, he absolutely wasn't happy that a government-loving psychopath had been revived but then again, he hadn't been the guy to drive a sword through his son's chest. So he said nothing.

"Maybe we'll see Tommy, too," Phil said off-handedly, with no clear emotion behind the statement. Technoblade's response, however, was very emotional - he groaned and put his hand to his forehead as if simply the thought of the blond child gave him a headache. "Let's make this trip as short as possible, then," Techno mumbled. "Alright mate," Phil chuckled lightly and they urged their horses on.

They reached the end of the snow biome they lived in and entered into a more temperate climate, where animals were able to survive and chittered in the trees, scurrying beneath their horses' feet and up tree trunks and shaking leaves down on them.

"Almost there," Techno noted, recognizing this area. After all, he was the human GPS.

They followed a river towards the center of civilization on the server, running into a cobblestone structure. Outside, pacing back and forth and muttering to himself, was Wilbur Soot, presidential extraordinaire and middle child of the Sleepy Bois.

"Wil," Phil whispered, slowly dismounting from his horse and walking toward the figure, who still had not noticed their arrival. Technoblade stayed atop his horse, choosing to observe how Wilbur would take Phil's return before joining the action.

The blond advanced slowly towards the frazzled man as if approaching a wild animal. Wilbur, true to the analogy, turned with wide eyes and a panicked look, not appreciating being snuck upon.

Father and son looked at each other appraisingly, taking in changes. Wilbur's strand of white, Phil's deeper creases along his forehead. The younger's evaluating eyes turned down in a judgemental glare.

"Why are you here?" Wilbur ground out. Technoblade couldn't see Phil's face from his position, but he could imagine the hurt flashing through the old man's eyes.

"Er... to welcome you back, mate," Phil chuckled awkwardly, and Wilbur, almost in slow motion, smiled humorlessly as if in shock. "To- to welcome me back? Oh wow, that's just... that's just great. It means so much to me, dear old dad."

Techno flinched and finally dismounted to prepare for an altercation, hand ready to pull out the Orphan Obliterator at his side.

To both Phil and Technoblade's surprise, Wilbur turned abruptly on his heel and went inside the cobblestone building, calling out behind him, "I hope the trip didn't inconvenience you too much," sarcasm heavy in his tone.

They shared a look between them as if to say, 'what the fuck just happened?' before Phil was hurrying after his son.

"What about Tommy?" Phil called after Wilbur as the door was almost shut. It stopped, as if being held open the slightest inch.

"He's gone," was all Wilbur said, before going inside.

"Phil," Techno said in a low, warning tone. "Maybe it's best to leave him alone."

"But... my sons," The man replied. "It's fine if Wilbur's mad at me; he has every right to be. But I need to know Tommy is okay."

With that he threw open the door and followed Wilbur into the shadow behind the door.

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