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A/N - This prompt is from redlikerosescreator! Thank you for sending me the idea. 

TW: Flashbacks, swearing

Nightmares were the bane of Tommy's existence. He had thought moving back home with his family would help his mind heal, but the dreams had tainted his bedroom and erased the comfort it made him feel, replacing it with dread. He was terrified to go to sleep at night but had found solace in the fact that he could always wake up and assure himself it was just a dream. 

One of his favorite pastimes was sparring with Techno. When he first picked up the hobby on Techno's suggestion, he could barely look at the sword in his brother's hand without flinching, even though it was made of wood. But now, his rusty skills were being polished and he was steadily getting better at facing an attacker instead of cowering and giving him all his items.

He had thought this sparring session was going well, but Tommy was beginning to wonder if Techno was having a bad day. He was taunting him more than usual and saying words that weren't meant to be hurtful but were. Tommy could barely hold himself together and had to cut the practice short to go upstairs, throwing a garbled excuse of "I don't feel so good," over his shoulder as he scurried inside.

When he finally reached his room and shut the door, he only had a moment of relief before his eyes landed on the bed and remembered how he had woken up sweating and crying the night before from yet another vivid nightmare of Dream's torture.

"There's no escape for me, is there?" Tommy muttered with an emotionless chuckle. He could feel his heartbeat rising and there was a nervous twitching in his fingers that he just couldn't get under control.

He fell to his knees with a thump, barely holding himself up on his hands as he crawled over to the bed. Instead of getting on it, he brought himself closer to the floor and dragged out a box from underneath the bed with some difficulty.

His trembling hands tore the lid off and he desperately combed through the miscellaneous items. He was now relying entirely on his hands as he could no longer see through the tears and the dizziness and the darkness creeping into the edges of his vision. He sighed with relief when his fingertips brushed a piece of hard, angled wood.

His vision cleared and the ringing in his ears went down a little, and he was now able to see what he was holding. The picture frame he treasured had somehow withstood the many wars he had fought in. 

Tommy's fingers delicately brushed over the cracked glass, touching the faces of each of his brothers. His nail covered Techno, then Wilbur, then Tubbo, stopping at himself.

His tears made a tiny ping sound as they fell onto the glass. "No, no no no," He whispered to himself, desperately trying to keep the faces of his loved ones in his vision and not the flashback that was creeping toward him. He tried to keep himself grounded by looking at his family, but suddenly his hands were empty. Why was it so bright? Tommy thought he was inside, so it didn't make sense that he felt grass and dirt beneath his knees instead of the dark wood of his room.

He watched as Dream walked toward him, quicker and quicker, footsteps thundering in his ear as the green man towered over his frail body. The man was holding some TNT, and he crouched down, his hand resting on Tommy's shoulder and slowly squeezing tighter and higher as he brought his face closer to the boy's. He knew Dream was speaking no louder than a whisper, but it felt like someone was screaming in his ear when he heard the man's cold words. "It's for your own good, Tommy."

A door slammed open, and Tommy blinked, the vision gone. "Tommy! Are you alright?" He heard Techno say breathlessly from behind him. But he couldn't turn his head, eyes locked on the shattered glass. "Oh no." 

He picked up the pieces of glass with one hand and the frame with the other, face crumpling. He barely registered his bleeding hands until they were softly grasped by larger, calloused ones. "It's okay, we can always get you another one. Can we go to the bathroom to fix up your hands now?" 

"B-but, it's us, it's our family and now the picture is broken and-"

"Look, the picture is fine. You've taken good care of it, it's not even ripped. The glass shattered and that's it."

Tommy nodded as he looked at the picture, knowing Techno was right. As long as the photo was okay, so was he.

Techno helped him to the bathroom, and they passed Wilbur on the way. "Hey, what happened?!" He said concerned. "Some glass broke in Tommy's room and he got a bit cut up, so we're just gonna clean them." Wilbur nodded and followed them. 

Tommy sat on the edge of the tub as Techno dapped alcohol on the cuts, Wilbur leaning against the door frame. He barely flinched, but Techno said sorry after each time anyway.

"All right, that should be good," Techno said awkwardly, panic gone from his voice. Tommy still couldn't meet his eyes, so he just looked at the tile and fidgeted. "Thank you," He finally said, and Techno rubbed his neck, heading to leave, Tommy staring at the fuzzy cape on his back somewhat longingly. "Seriously?" Wilbur said, refusing to move and let Techno out and looking between his siblings. 

"What?" The other two said in synch, faces going red. Wilbur just rolled his eyes. "Of course my brothers are the most awkward fucks in existence. Tommy, do you want a hug or not?"

He startled and looked up at Wilbur, a horrified expression on his face. "Uh- n- no?"

"Jesus Christ. Tommy, Techno, come on. We're going to my room."

The two followed Wilbur into his room, Tommy immediately relaxing at how comfortable it was. Wilbur's guitar was leaning against the bed, which was covered in soft blankets. Wilbur grabbed one and threw it at Tommy, who just held it and stared at it. He threw another one at Techno, who did the same. Wilbur looked over at the two, blinking for a moment before throwing his hands out. "Put the fucking blankets on!" Wilbur exclaimed. "Wil, I already have a cape on," Techno muttered, not moving. "Then take it off. Holy shit, you two need affection." 

Wilbur proceeded to guide them through what should have been the simple process of getting comfy and cuddling, but Techno and Tommy had no idea what they were doing. Finally, they got themselves situated, and Tommy let himself focus on how warm it was with his back pressed up against Techno's chest and Wilbur holding him in his arms. "Now sleep," Wilbur demanded, and Tommy felt Techno's chest rumble as he laughed. "Sounds good," He said, his voice quiet. 

A second pair of arms wrapped around him, and Tommy gasped quietly at the fact that they were Techno's. He always thought his older brother was super uncomfortable with affection, but here he was, hugging Tommy, and Tommy realized how much he liked hugs, especially when he was wrapped up in his brothers and a bunch of blankets and the afternoon sun was streaming through the windows.

His mind was feeling a bit fuzzy, so there were no thoughts to stop him as he rolled himself over and shoved his face into Techno's warm chest, wrapping his arms around his brother. Wilbur laughed quietly and pulled them closer, and Tommy went to sleep happy and content. That night, he returned to his own bed and knew that if he had nightmares, he could always go to his brothers. 

(A/N, skip if you're not interested)

Tried to make it super fluffy, hope you enjoyed! Some things didn't get resolved like Techno's behavior during sparring or Tommy's picture frame, but assume it all worked itself out and everything is fine and dandy.

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