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A/N - this idea came out of nowhere, but what if Tommy was a pilot?

TW: Themes of death, swearing

"Alright chat, I have an announcement, and it's pretty huge."

Tommy had said similar things on stream, but something about his tone was uncharacteristically serious, prompting the chat to stop their memeing and start spamming 'seriousinnit'. So maybe they didn't stop their memeing, but they prepared for his announcement.

"As most of you know, I've said many times that I'm going to college for editing and film. It is true that I take classes for those, but that's not the main thing I'm studying. Chat - planes, and flying them, has been my passion for a long, long time. Just out of frame," He pointed to the side, where his bed was, "is a giant shelf full of model airplanes. Nerdy, I know, that's why I don't mention it. But I've been taking classes on flying, physics, anything that I can about the science behind planes, and... I really love it. I've been accepted into a training program straight out of college at a pilot school, and I'm going to quit streaming."

Chat, always ready to lighten the mood, started spamming :BibleThump: but Tommy knew a lot of them were sad. Right then, a TTS dono came through on the screen, saying, "We're so happy for you Tommy! We wish you all the best :)" 

The chat started spamming 'BIG MAN PILOT'.

"Aw, you guys are awesome. Thanks, seriously," He said shakily, blinking tears out of his eyes. Another dono came onto the screen. "PLANES ARE POGCHAMP! Can you show us your model airplane collection pleeaaasseeee?" 

"Sure thing! Here, let me get a few of my favorites..." 

For the next twenty minutes, Tommy nerded out about each plane model, explaining in detail why each part was designed the way it was and what was going on inside. 

"See this bit here? That's called a vertical stabilizer. It- oh! Wilbur's calling!" Tommy joined the Discord call which had a few other people in it, and Technoblade's voice blared into his headphones. "NEERRRDDDDDD!"

"Shut the fuck up, English major," Tommy shot back, and then let out a shrieking laugh. "Seriously though, that stuff's pretty cool," Techno offered in his monotonous voice. "Yeah? I think so," Tommy replied with a small smile.

"Please continue, Tommy! I didn't mean to interrupt you, I just thought it would be fun to provide some commentary," said Wilbur. "Alright, whatever. Now, as I was saying..."

Tommy spent the next half-hour switching between explaining jet models and joking around with his friends. Eventually, people trickled out of the call and Tommy ended stream. Then, it was just him and Wilbur, and the few others still in the call were muted and deafened.

"Tommy, that's seriously amazing. I'm so proud of you, man," Wilbur said sincerely. "Wil...I- Uh, thank you. That means a lot to me," Tommy choked out.


"I talked to Tommy the other day, chat!" Wilbur said, knowing how absolutely nuts chat would go. Ever since Tommy had quit streaming four years ago to go to flight school, their viewers had begged for any news about him. "Yeah, he actually wanted to let you guys know something. Turns out the gremlin child is some kind of plane genius, and he's already out of school and got a pretty sweet gig. And guys, you'll never guess where he is." 

Wilbur let chat theorize and beg for a few minutes before having mercy and explaining. "Tommy's joining The Red Arrows. Brits in the chat will probably know about this, but for those who don't, it's the Royal Air Force's team of show flyers. Basically, Tommy gets to do cool tricks in the air in a jet for huge crowds of people, and he's so excited, man. Americans, this is more or less the equivalent to your Blue Angels."

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