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A/N - I originally wrote this with shitty Techno and Phil, but I know how many Techno simps there are so you get Technobro. Phil still isn't super cool in this one, though.

This has a/b/o dynamics, but heats and ruts work differently. There will be heats in this chapter, but no ruts, so I will explain heats. In this universe, I can best compare omega's heats to a more intense, almost continuous period (as in menstruation) without the blood. There's a lot of pain and they regress into their instincts, but there's no sex-craze or anything remotely NSFW, all cuddles and fluff and comfort.

They're all family, so please don't comment anything about shipping. In this AU especially, platonic affection is extremely common.

TW: Everything that comes along with a/b/o dynamics/omegaverse.

The animal-themed calendar hung in the kitchen, a random stock photo of a giraffe sitting above the chart for that month. Two dates were circled: the nineteenth and the twenty-first. On the nineteenth, in bright red writing was, 'Tech and Dad come home!!'. The twenty-first didn't have any writing on it, just a sticker of a Band-Aid. Wilbur never liked to advertise his heat cycle, so this was enough for everyone to know when his heat started each month. Whether he put a sticker of a guitar, a milk carton, or anything else, they knew it subtly stood for when his heat was supposed to begin.

Like clockwork, Wilbur's heat came in raging on the twenty-first. He had everything he needed: water bottles, snacks, a wonderful nest in the home where his family lived, his comfort items, and his younger brother Tommy, who would check in on him periodically. The one problem was that Techno and Phil hadn't come back on the nineteenth like they were supposed to, and still weren't home.

In his heat-induced haze, Wilbur noticed the absence of his alpha brother and beta father, and couldn't stop whining. His nest felt cold with half of his family gone, and it was heartbreaking for Tommy to watch his brother writhe around, calling out for people who weren't there. The scent of distressed, in-heat omega filled the home, and it brought tears to Tommy's eyes, both because of the strength of the smell and what it meant. In addition to this, he noticed that the smell made him feel funny in his tummy. There was an ache that was getting stronger and stronger throughout the day until he buckled in pain on the stairs while bringing a peanut butter bagel to his brother.

In his nest, Wilbur smelled Tommy's distress and whined for the boy he considered to be his pup. Even if Tommy didn't know what was happening, Wilbur knew. Deep in his omega instincts, he could smell the scent of his brother's heat, and it meant one thing. Tommy had just presented as an omega and was going into his first heat, while Wilbur was in the middle of his own, and their other caretakers were who-knows-where.

Tommy sat there on the stairs, rocking back and forth holding his stomach, whining. It was quite upsetting, the two omegas across the hall from each other, calling out but unable to help or even reach one another.

Tommy eventually gathered enough strength to drag himself into Wilbur's room, and the older immediately welcomed Tommy into his nest and wrapped his arms around his pup in an attempt to soothe the ache. He knew first heats were the worst, and the smell of his little brother's distress brought him out of his daze a little bit. Of course, he was still in a lot of pain and only half-conscious, so he could nothing more than comfort Tommy, who was rubbing his forehead up and down Wilbur's shirt and wrapping his arms impossibly tight around the older.

~With Techno and Phil~

The voices guided Techno through his fight with the Pillagers. It seemed like there were more of them than there usually were at an outpost, and for the thousandth time, he regretted taking the job. The villagers had practically grovelled at their feet to go take care of the outpost, and they had accepted, thinking that it would take a day at most. Nope, Phil got hurt so they had to retreat, and then they were overwhelmed by the number they had and that ended up chewing up another day. If Techno's calculations were correct, they would get back just in time for Wilbur's heat. He grimly hoped the omega hadn't started early.

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