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A/N - this a request from Celinafrosty, thanks for the prompt!

TW: Bullying, mentions of nightmares, swearing

"I wanna go to camp with you," Tommy whined, kicking his legs from his seat on Techno's bed. The older boys just shrugged at him and kept on packing. While folding a shirt, Wilbur tried to explain it to Tommy. "Bud, we're going to big boy camp, which means we're allowed to sleep there. You're still a kid and you have to go to kiddie camp. But someday you'll be able to go to big boy camp, don't worry!" 

Tommy just huffed and crossed his arms across his chest before flailing them out to either side. "But by the time I'm in big boy camp, you guys will be in..." his brow furrowed as he struggled to find a bigger word than 'big'. "...MASSIVE boy camp!" 

"Strong vocabulary," Techno muttered, and Wilbur just threw a pair of boxers at him, calling him a weirdo. "Bubba, you wouldn't even have fun. It's a bunch of smelly teenagers in a small cabin, I'm sure you'll have much more fun here," Techno tried to reason with his little brother.

"If it's stinky and small, why do you guys want to go?" Tommy asked sassily, raising an eyebrow. "He's got you there," Wilbur remarked and went to sit down next to Tommy. "Why do you even want to go? I know how much you really like your day camp, and you never liked sleepovers. What's going on?" Tommy looked down at his Velcro sneakers, glowering. "Because Benjamin is gonna be at camp," He grumbled. 


"Dad's always makin' me hang out with him, but he's so mean!" Tommy complained. "He doesn't play fair and he hits too much!" Wilbur and Techno shared a concerned look, worried about their little brother possibly being bullied. 

Suddenly, Phil walked into the room to check on the packing, overhearing Tommy and sighing loudly. "How many times do we have to go over this, Tommy? Benjamin is a sweetheart. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you were the one being mean to him. His parents are going to watch you today while I'm gone, and he's gonna come over. Try to be nice to him, alright?" With that, Phil ruffled the blond kid's hair and walked out of the room. The anger on Tommy's face was replaced with fear at the mention of seeing Benjamin today. Wilbur went to speak up before Phil got out of earshot, but Techno put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Don't. He already seems kinda pissed, no use making him angrier for the car ride down. Besides, they're kids - what's the worst that could happen?" 


"Tommy missed you guys this week," Phil commented in the silent car. They were on the last stretch of the long ride home from sleepaway camp, and the twins were tired from the long but exciting week. They didn't say anything for a while. 

"What'd you do with him while you were gone today?" Wilbur eventually asked, purely out of boredom. "Benjamin's family came over again to hang out at the house and watch him. I think the two kiddos hit it off finally, I'm hoping they'll be friends."

This time, Wilbur didn't keep quiet about his worries. "What's up with that Ben kid, anyway? If Tommy says he's mean, why do you make them hang out?" 

Phil ran a hand exasperatedly down his face, and Wilbur prepared for his father to be annoyed. "I confronted his parents about it after the first time Tommy told me, and they just said that Ben had told them exactly the same thing. You know how Tommy likes to exaggerate and lie, and I've met Ben - he's a really sweet kid."

"Well, you know some kids act a lot different around adults," Techno tentatively spoke up, having growing concerns about the whole thing. At Tommy's age, he had been bullied and didn't want his little brother to go through the same thing. "Yeah, but around their parents? Also, they had never gotten any calls or reports about Ben doing something like that, and you know how violent Tommy gets at school."

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