A/N - Information (2)

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Hello, hello everyone! Time for another A/N chapter. I'm sorry, I promised myself I'd keep A/N chapters to a minimum for this book, but I figure this one is necessary. 

TW for cursing.

1. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, share website? 

Sorry for taking so long to tell you what website I got the prompt from. Those of you without context, I wrote 'Flower Box' based on a prompt I got online and the memers out there left a little comment chain asking for the website. It's from a website called Reedsy Prompts, it's the first result when you search 'short story prompts'. It's the 700+ one. I expect it should be easy to find, but I have the link here anyway. Unfortunately, I won't be able to comment the link because for some reason Wattpad doesn't let me do that.


2. Walking 

I really didn't have to include this here, but I'm going to anyway. A few weeks ago, I was on a walk with my older brother to an ice cream shop late at night, and I did see two trees leaning on each other, and the first thought that came to my mind was that they were going at it doggy-style: you can guess where my inspiration for 'Walking' came from. (Sorry for wasting your time with this one.)

3. Requests/Ideas

For the past week and a half, I've had nothing but shit ideas. I've been writing most of them, thinking it'll figure itself out by the end, but I have at least 12 drafts, all 1500-3000 words, all disasters. I've concluded that my brain is out of stock of good ideas at the moment, so I'm asking for yours. It doesn't even have to be something you want to read or want me to write, just an idea or prompt. Please, I'm desperate to write something.

4. Distress

I wrote parts two and three to this but they both suck because I can't stop myself from turning Phil and Techno into complete dicks and I want to not do that every single time maybe. If you have any ideas for this one specifically, I would love to hear them, because a lot of people wanted a part two and I would love to write one that is good enough to publish.

5. Dante and Tommy (spoilers for Bisexual Innit, part 3)

I'M SORRY OKAY (not really, that chapter was fun to write). But I just wanted to clear things up with these two once and for all. With high school relationships, when you graduate you sometimes have a decision to make. Are you going to separate for college, try it long-distance, or do something else? My brother and his partner decided they're going to break up at the end of this year when they graduate and are going to split as friends, which I really admire and is kind of what I wanted to happen with these two. They didn't want to continue their relationship long-distance and they had to move far apart for college, so they split as friends and don't plan on getting back together in the future. It still hurts Tommy to think that he doesn't have Dante in his life like that anymore, but there's no reason to be mad at Dante. I imagine that he wanted what was best for Tommy and urged him to take the opportunity to go to a really good college far away, which is super cool of him, even though he's probably feeling the same way as Tommy.

6. Thank you!

Thanks for all the big numbers :) I hit 69k the other day! And 69 followers! Obviously, that's a bigger milestone than 70k and 70 followers, but thank you for those too. Seriously.

 I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a Q&A? It's completely fine if you aren't or are against the idea, I understand that people read this book for the content, not for the author. I also feel a little guilty since I'm too anxious to respond to comments but would do a Q&A, something about that just feels kind of douche-y of me. If anyone is interested, let me know. If you're decidedly not interested, as in you really don't want that, also let me know! I wouldn't want to make a whole bunch of people upset or annoyed. Just know that if it does happen, I'll post an update with it so that the ones who aren't interested in a Q&A get a real chapter.

7. Messages

I'm not active in the comment section of this book at all, and I apologize for that. Just know that I'm here to pm if you want to talk, I know that telling something to a stranger can be really helpful. Please know that I'm here to chat and support you in any way that I can if you ever need it.

That's all, thanks for sticking around, and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night.

- Kip

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