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TW: Suicidal thoughts, anxiety attack, self-harm, swearing 

Tommy was having a blast closing all the doors on Wilbur. He had been voted off first and was bored, so naturally, he decided to bother the musician and was laughing his head off while doing it. During breaks when they could talk, he could hear the mirth in Wilbur's voice and knew he was okay with it, but couldn't help but find something off. His perceptive ears caught a slight change in his friend's words and tone, but he couldn't place why. Oh well, Tommy thought. I'm probably just imagining it.

He hadn't been imagining it. Oh god, he should have just been patient and waited for the next round to start instead of causing trouble. Everywhere he goes, he annoys people. He should stop talking to people, stop streaming, stop talking, stop living. He didn't deserve air.

He didn't deserve any of it because he was currently hearing it from Wilbur, who was shouting his head off about Tommy's antics earlier in the game.

In truth, Wilbur thought he was being brotherly and giving Tommy the talk he thought he should hear. Later, when he would reflect on his actions he would regret the words that he used and how harsh he was. But this was not then, this was now, and Wilbur was fuming.

"You're going to lose all your friends and never find any more if you keep this shit up, Tommy."

It had been ten minutes since Wilbur started his lecture, and he was still going. Tommy said nothing, and Wilbur took it as teenage disinterest, which sent him further into his frustration.

"Are you even listening to me?!"


Wilbur took a pause, gathering his thoughts and inhaling deeply once or twice. He should calm down and end this before he does something he regrets.

"Sorry for yelling, Tommy, but you were being a dickhead. You're lucky I played it off as a joke, but you need to stop."

With that final remark, Wilbur departed, proud of himself for teaching Tommy something. This would help him in the future, and he would be thankful. And, Wilbur had even been able to calm himself down after getting angry! A small, prideful smile grew on his face as he shut down his equipment and headed to get dinner.

Wilbur really didn't think he had gone too far, so why was regret nibbling at the edges of his mind? It was annoying, but Wilbur knew better than to ignore it. Maybe he should call Tommy just to clear things up and make sure the boy knew Wilbur wasn't still angry with him.




"Hello?" A small voice whispered.

"Tommy? Why are you whispering?"

"Oh, Wilbur. Hello."

"...Hi. Still haven't answered my question."

"Hey, Wilbur?"


"I'm sorry. You were right. I'm sorry. I don't deserve it. I'm sorry."

"Tommy, what are you talking about? What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything, Wilby, except reflecting. You were right, and I'm sorry."

"Stop saying that, it's creepy. Also, you never call me Wilby. Tell me what's wrong, bud. Whatever you need, I'm here for you."

Panic crept into Wilbur's mind. He had only seen or heard Tommy in this state once, and it was after he had gotten a lot of hate on Twitter. He remembered the boy's quiet voice then, and how he had kept repeating the same phrases over and over. He hadn't answered Wilbur's questions, almost like he didn't have time. And Tommy was acting the same now.

Suddenly, Wilbur slapped his head in anger. He had thought he hadn't gone too far when lecturing Tommy, but he had. And now Tommy's wrists were probably making stains in his carpet with how much they bled.

Instead of asking Tommy if he had cut, he just said, "Tommy, can you get yourself to the bathroom?"


"Great, I need you to go to the bathroom and get some bandages please."

The sigh Wilbur heard from the other end made him aware that Tommy knew that Wilbur knew what he had done, and it just made him feel miserable because now Wilbur was worrying about him. Tommy also knew there was no use arguing with the brunet, so he heaved himself up off the floor and made his way to the bathroom, listening to the quiet murmur of Wilbur's gentle instructions on how to clean his cuts. He followed each step meticulously and had his wounded arm bandaged in minutes.

"I'm done."

Silence, then a sharp, wincing inhale that one would normally hear before a confession of guilt. 

"Tommy, I'm sorry. I should have been... better. It's my fault, and I can't let you blame yourself. I can come over to your place if you need someone to talk to because I can't give you a hug through the phone."

Tommy wanted to be alone right now and was too tired to give in to the anxiety telling him to accept Wilbur's offer. So he answered politely in the negative, and they said their goodbyes.

Wilbur ended up ignoring Tommy's wish to be alone and a few days later, showed up at his doorstep, because sometimes what you want isn't what's best. Tommy lived about an hour away, so it wasn't a very long journey, but Wilbur had wanted to wait a few days to let Tommy have some time alone. As loud and extroverted as the boy's online persona was, he still enjoyed his alone time.

Nevertheless, Wilbur was worried about what Tommy would do if unsupervised and knew his parents weren't the greatest at checking in on the blond, so after warring with himself in his mind a few times late into the night, he made his way to the quaint suburban house. 

When he got there he was met with fluffy blond hair tickling his chin as pale, bony arms circled his torso. 

They spend the day together, doing quiet things. It wasn't enough the heal Tommy's broken mind, and nothing might ever be, but it was the best day he'd had in a long time, and it was nice to be reminded that people cared, that his brother cared. It was nice to feel love.

(A/N, skip if you're not interested)

Don't be like Tommy, ask for help if you need it, and don't let people treat you like shit no matter their intentions.  

This was kind of cringy to read while I was editing, so I might try to rewrite this with less flourish-y language to give the story more of a theme because I don't think I did the idea justice, but here I am still posting it. Pogchamp.

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