Settling Down (Pinkie Promise part 2)

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A/N - I know I said I was going to include SBI, but I'm going through an unexpected Dadbur obsession faze, so Wilbur is the only new character. Sorry it took me so long to post! I hope you like reading it as much as I liked writing it.

TW: Mentions of domestic abuse, swearing

Two weeks. Wilbur hadn't heard from Tommy in two weeks and kicked himself every day for not finding out the boy's address when they had met up. He had tried to figure it out online, but Tommy had always taken his privacy very seriously and the only info the internet provided was the city he lived in, which Wilbur already knew, and he resorted to following the news very closely. His stress levels had shot through the roof when Tommy went silent, but apparently this building had multiple floors because he could say with confidence that it destroyed at least three levels when he heard of two men arrested for child abuse, neglect, and other disgusting charges. Surely Tommy's father wasn't one of them, right? But with the boy's radio silence and this news story being the only things to go by, Wilbur couldn't help but assume the worst.

He had been in contact with everyone Tommy knew, from people on the SMP to his friends from previous servers. He was minutes away from driving to Tommy's town and putting up posters when he got a message.

Hey Wilbur!

What. What the fuck.

He double-checked the sender - yep, it was Tommy. Nonchalantly giving him a greeting as if it were any other boring day and not like he had been silent for two weeks. After staring at his computer screen in shock for a solid twelve seconds, his fingers smashed the keyboard.



A call notification appeared almost immediately, and Wilbur joined to see Tommy's already-wincing face, assuming the man had some words for him.

"Tommy, thank God you're alive. Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay."

"I'm fine Wil. Hey, I'm really sorry I went silent but it was necessary and I can explain. Please don't be mad," Was it Wilbur's crappy audio or was Tommy's voice shaking?

"N-no, of course I'm not mad. I'm worried, Toms. If I have time and reason to be upset later, I will, but all I am right now is tremendously concerned for your well-being."

Tommy sighed in relief, looking down in his lap.

"Would you like to explain why you went dark for two weeks?" Wilbur did his best to keep emotion out of his voice, seeing how jittery and nervous the child looked.

"Yeah, a lot went down. I guess I'll start at the beginning." Tommy took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "My mum died years ago, and it's just been me and my dad."

The story headline about the incarcerated men floated into Wilbur's mind, and he wished he could be there to hold Tommy's hand as he continued explaining.

He began to describe his home life. He skirted over a lot of things, but Wilbur could practically taste the sour undertones of domestic child abuse, and it was only confirmed when Tommy moved on to explain how a kid named Ethan had come into his life, and how similar their backgrounds were.

"...they're in jail now. Ethan and I are living in a boy's home with a really nice lady named Rosemary. She and I picked up my equipment earlier today since I needed to talk to everyone and my phone broke. Plus, she knows about my streaming and wants me to continue since she knows how happy it makes me."

Questions swirled in Wilbur's mind as he struggled to comprehend everything. He had introduced himself to the harrowing possibility that Tommy could be a victim of abuse after that news story, but that fact was settling in his gut and he felt like throwing up.

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