Boy in Blue

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There's a boy in blue at my school, no one seems to know him but I've seen him wandering around the school with his head down.

Brown shaggy hair in a permanent bedhead style, skin almost unnaturally pale, a bright blue jacket he always has his hands in, a plain white t-shirt and faded blue jeans, it was clear he was at least a little underweight but not by too much, it was impossible to miss him but every time I asked people they'd just shrugged as if he could be anyone.

As I stood in the hallway watching him walk in the crowd it was like my eyes couldn't stay off him like they were forced to follow, that's how I spotted him originally months ago and why I was so confused on why no one else seemed to notice him. Today was the day I was going to talk to him and see what his story was, I had my recorder with the little microphone attached ready, my headphones around my neck, pen and notepad in my pocket, and my camera hanging below my headphones, it was weird but I thought if I approached him using the excuse I was on the school's newspaper team it'd be less awkward talking to him.

I followed behind a distance away just trying to see where he'd end up and hopefully the crowd would thin out a bit, I furrowed my brows in confusion when he went down the hallway that usually was just rooms that were filled with broken chairs the principal insisted on finding someone to fix and dusty chalkboards that haven't been used since the seventies.

I jogged over to him when he went down the dark path quickly pulling the microphone into my hand, pressing record on my device as soon as I opened my mouth to talk, "Hey there! What's your name?"

He ignored me and kept walking, I frowned and walked closer to him so that maybe he got the idea that I was talking to him and not someone else, not like there was anything else, "H-hey? Boy in blue-"

My mouth was left open when he finally stopped and turned around, his cheeks were puffier than I thought they were going to be, his top lip having a perfect cupid's bow and his bottom one being full and puffy looking, his eyes being a dark brown with gold flecks dancing in them, his hair was long enough to tangle with his lashes but I could tell his eyebrows had a soft arch to them while the left was slit.

He didn't say anything, just stare at me for a moment with a slight tilt of his head before I guess he thought I wasn't going to say anything he turned around again walking away keeping his hands in the pockets of his jacket, he was absolutely beautiful.

But why were there tears stains on his face?

I tried to figure that out over the next few weeks, eventually finding out he always went down that hallway during first period every school day, so I followed him trying to at least get him to tell me to buzz off but after that day he wouldn't even look at me and it was making me frustrated, how was I supposed to solve this mystery with an unwilling target?

I couldn't spend the rest of the school year just following him so I interviewed others in the midst of my chase for the paper, the boy in blue seemed determined to make me give up but I still kept my foot down, now carrying my equipment everywhere with me trying to figure out the rest of his schedule, I had to admit it was stalking but he wouldn't leave my mind and it was disrupting my studies, I needed to figure him out.

After a few more weeks I found out that he liked going to the roof on breaks, so I finished my work early and managed to get excused under the guise that I was going to the bathroom when in actuality I was just going to the roof to wait on him.

I was shocked to see him already sitting against the fence that was placed on the edge when I got there, he had his knees pulled halfway to his chest smoking a cigarette from a brand I didn't recognize, I walked over to him staring at the top of his head, noticing how thick his hair was before swallowing and opening my mouth, "those are bad for you, you know?"

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