By Your Side

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"Can you come over?..."

"Again? Dude buy a stuffed animal or something I can't keep babying you"

The line died

"Angela I need-"

"Brad already said no, didn't he? I don't like being a second choice, plus it's two AM I'm going back to sleep"

The line died


"....Are you busy?"

"No, but you just woke me up from a really nice dream"


".... Never mind then, go back to sleep"

"Hey, are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, go back to your dream"

"If you really insist, but call me if anything is bothering you okay?"


The line died

Two months later

All my friends chatted cheerfully as my eyes tried to stay open, it was only lunchtime and my body was ready to shut down, usually, it got to that point at the end of school but on this particular day, I had less sleep the night before.

His eyes kept landing on me, filled with concern and curiosity, what was he trying to figure out? How long it was going to take me until I joined the conversation? I couldn't even hear what they were saying, it was like my head was underwater while the rest of them were on land, their voices severely muffled.

"Jayden" Angela laughed.

"hm?" I paid attention to her.

"you look like a zombie, try to lighten up a little"

I simply nodded and looked back down at the table, trying my best to stop being so tired, or at least look like I was awake, I felt his eyes on me again and closed mine, hoping it'd help me focus.



"Are you okay? you seem a bit out of it"

"Of course he's okay" Angela answered for me, "he's just cranky we won't answer his weird calls anymore"

"Weird calls?" I tensed as he asked.

"Yeah, calls ranging from twelve to three in the morning asking us to come over, never told us why just urged us, it was like he was trying to bond in a creepy way-" I flinched again when she said 'creepy' "-after a while it got too much so we stopped answering them, Brad got the most, but you didn't get any?"

"He only called me once in the middle of the night? and it wasn't about coming over I think"

"you think?"

"He never said why he called, just told me to go back to sleep"

"He probably felt bad after waking the rest of us up" I could feel the eye roll in her tone.

It never went past my mind that I came off as creepy, I knew I was annoying but creepy?

"Hey, where are you going? Jayden?!" He called out as I stood up and walked away into the sea of students.

Everything started to become dizzy as my body really couldn't waste any more energy, my battery was about to hit zero percent but my feet kept walking, dragging against the floor, making that scraping sound that drives all parents insane. Students who finished lunch early stared at me and a few whispered but it didn't matter anymore when the light coming from the front door came into view, just then everything became fuzzy and my legs gave up making me lose my footing and trip.

Cotton Candy And Teddy Bears (bxb oneshots) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now