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The water slowly rose in the tub, swallowing my skin in the cold but it soon got used to it, my body shifted, leaning more into the water, darkness clouded my sight as my eyes closed, the water was up to my collar bone now and still rising, I leaned more into the water and soon it reached my face, first my chin, then my lips, then my nose, it would've covered my head if it weren't for the booming voice of my roommate yanking me out of my trance, "Good fuckin gods Marvin stop tryin to drown ya self!"

He pulled me into a proper sitting position while I stared at him, his light grey eyes were filled with annoyance and his curly red hair was dropping towards my face and his lips were set in a thin frown, "I can never leave you alone in the bathroom for two minutes if ya keep this up" His Irish accent was thick like it always was when he was scolding me.

I just stared, not having the energy to reply, all I wanted to do was take a bath and go to bed, maybe do both at the same time, but he'd never let me, his freckled self was honestly attractive when he was like this, and that's why I'm never able to get a word out, or maybe it's because I'm tired, my eyes watched as he turned off the water and let some out through the drain, "if I hear this turn back on I'm makin ya take a damn shower"

And with that he left, I'm pretty sure he thinks of me as a troublesome son even though we're the same age, sophomores in college, so not even that old, I think of him as a sexy guardian angel, and possible lover if he ever realizes he's not straight, which I doubt since he's been with lots of women and have two times more waiting in line to get a taste of him, it honestly makes me jealous at times but it's not like I would have a chance even if he were bi, I'm probably not his type.

My body was so tired and my brain was about to shut down, I considered closing my eyes but I don't want Scott getting grey hairs are such a young age because he hears me snoring if I start to nod off, so I just enjoy my bath with my eyes half open and my weight feeling two times as heavy, time slowly ticked away and soon I was startled by Scott once more, "Yuki if you're goin to sleep get out the damn tub"

I looked around and saw I must've nodded off anyway, most of my bubbles were gone and the water was dirty, I shifted and stared to get up when I remembered Scott was standing there, so I gave him a look that politely told him to leave, he rolled his eyes and walked out, muttering something about us both being guys, which I get but I'm into men and it'd be awkward if he stared at me while I'm so tired and have little control over my body, I mindlessly got up, washed the soap off of myself then dried off and got dressed in red plaid pajama pants and a grey T-shirt.

My feet shuffled me out of the bathroom as my hands pulled my hair into a ponytail, I crawled into bed and curled under my blanket, the last thing I see before passing out is Scott on the other side of the room sitting on his bed with his laptop on his thighs most likely finishing an assignment before bed.


"Why are you always so tired Yuki?" My friend, Amanda asked.

"It's probably because the lectures are so boring it makes even the super nerds fall asleep" My friend Robert butted in.

"I never have a lot of energy to begin with" I mumble quietly.

Amanda poked my cheek gently "maybe you should go to sleep early and stop taking five hours long baths every night"

I playfully swatted her hand away "it's not the baths, it's the amount of work I have to do when I get home"

"Maybe stop trying to do everything at once and take your sleep seriously, you look like a zombie"

"I will once break starts, it's two weeks away"

Cotton Candy And Teddy Bears (bxb oneshots) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now