You Wouldn't Love The Second

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Part 2 WOO

It's been a month since Maddie left me and it still stung, I missed all the little things we did together, like taking a nap together every Saturday and him sitting in my lap while we watched movies, I had none of that now and it was driving me crazy that I couldn't hold him. I was laying in bed just going through my phone storage when my door suddenly swung open, I knew who it was and I refused to look at him, "Are you done blocking me yet?"

"Get the fuck out" I hissed.

"Liam please, just listen to me for once" He pleaded.

"I don't need to listen to shit, fucking leave"

The bed dipped and I was too petty to even kick him off as I refused to touch him, only curling up more, "Fine if you want to be that way, at least tell me what I did wrong"

"Everything!" my voice boomed as I propped myself on my elbow and glared at him "You did everything fucking wrong"

Pain spread on Roy's face, he looked upset but I didn't care, he deserved it, "I don't understand..."

"Maddie wouldn't have fucking left me if it weren't for that bullshit that I like you more than a friend, which isn't fucking true!" I growled, continuing before he could get a word in "And that stupid ass kiss, why couldn't you have turned the other way when me and him were talking? he wouldn't have asked for something so ridiculous if you minded your own fucking business! now because of some mysterious ass reason he won't even look at me, he blocks me out every time I try to talk to him, do you realize how frustrating it is when someone you love wholeheartedly won't fucking acknowledge you because of something out of your control?"

"...Yes," Roy said softly, his expression so pained and sad it almost flipped my mood, almost.

"Great now we can have a fucking pity party, except I don't want to fucking see you right now so get out" I hissed.

"It's been a month can we please just talk about this? I want my best friend back" He asked, his voice cracking.

"No, we are not talking about this, there's nothing to talk about, everything is fucked up and I'm left here with a broken heart" I laid back down angrily staring at my phone.

"You're not the only one affected by this..."

"Oh yeah, and what's in it for you?" I barked.

"Maybe... maybe-"

"If you're about to spew the same bullshit we've already gone over I don't want to fucking hear it, there's no way in hell that I like you like that"

"Then maybe don't look in hell!" He stressed, leaning towards me but I pushed him back with my foot "Look, I've talked to Maddie and he's upset over losing you too but-"

"But nothing! just leave Roy, I don't want to talk to you"

"But, we both saw how you reacted that day, it's hard to ignore something like that" 

"I didn't react like anything! All I did was push you away"

He huffed in frustration and stood up, walking to the door and ripping open the door "Fine be that way, but when you finally hop off your delusional cloud really fucking think about this because Maddie isn't the only person you're hurting with this shit"

Before I could make a snarky comment he walked out the door roughly following behind him, a sigh left my lips once I calmed down and realized what happened, more tears filling my eyes.

Cotton Candy And Teddy Bears (bxb oneshots) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now