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I took deep heavy breaths as I landed in the room, my tablet said this was where the target was hiding but it was just an empty arena-like space, I was about to take a step further when a sharp pain hit my neck and I flew to the ground a curse flying from my lips as I crumpled.

"Careful there mate, floor's slippery" a voice sounded behind me.

Panic mode instantly took over me as I turned around, I've been caught! There's no telling what the enemy is going to do to me now, I looked up and froze at the sight in front of me.

There stood a tall man, not much older than me actually, fluffy burgundy hair sprouted out his head and ran down to his back, bright grass green eyes staring down at me, he was wearing the same outfit as me, a pitch-black short sleeve turtle neck that made his pale skin glow paired with black slacks and a toolbelt that fit him better than mine did, the thing that confused me was that he had a wide, goofy smile that showed off his pearly whites, his canines slightly crooked, was he happy he caught me? usually, enemy agents are pissed when they find us.

I flinched when his hand moved toward me but looked at it when I didn't feel another strike, being confused once again when it was just outstretched, "Come on let me help you up, I wasn't fair knocking you down"

I paused, he definitely didn't sound like he was from here, he had a thick accent I couldn't figure out what it was, whatever it was I would have to deal with that later as I didn't have time, I just took his hand and let him pull me to my feet, "you're one of  X's agents, right?" he asked.

"Who's asking?" I raised a brow as I stepped away.

"I was told to expect a few today, and you're not someone I recognize, I have a thing for remembering faces" somehow that goofy grin widened "I'm Angelo, but everyone calls me agent 42"

I just stared at him, was he new or just not that bright? you're not supposed to give out your information so freely or give the other team this much time to escape, after a moment I just sighed and turned to walk deeper into the room "I don't have time for this, I'm on a mission not a meet and greet"

"Wait" He grabbed my arm and turned me back around "You came here to retrieve something yes? I can't just let you waltz in and take it"

"Surprising, because that's exactly what you did, for ten minutes, now if you're only going to be an excited puppy I need to finish my mission and catch up to the others," I said bluntly and tried to yank my arm away.

"Challenge me" He completely ignored what I just said "I've been in here for hours bored out my mind, if you can beat me in combat I'll give you this free pass this one time"

I was seriously losing my patience, if I don't hurry up the target might be moved again or worse, enemies much tougher than Agent 42 might realize what's happened and burst through the room, "Fine" I hissed "First to hit the floor loses"

He perked up and proceeded to drag me to the middle of the room, as soon as he let my arm go to take a few steps back I reached for my taser gun but he shook his head, "Fists only, using weapons is cheating"

"Are you serious?" I groaned, taking my hand off the gun and got into position "You are probably the weirdest agent I've met yet"

"Thanks" He chirped and stared at the ground for a moment getting his feet in position then looked back up at me still having that stupid smile.

I couldn't say it pissed me off.

Without warning, he charged at me faster than I thought someone his height could move and swung his fist at the side of my head, I ducked nearly getting my teeth knocked out and kicked the back of his knee as I moved more out the way, 42 almost hit the ground but caught himself just in time and spun around his foot aiming for my neck again, I barely stepped back in time and kneed him in the back just before his foot touched the ground.

Cotton Candy And Teddy Bears (bxb oneshots) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now