Birthday Tears

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Everyone says your sweet sixteen is going to be amazing, well not mine, it started pouring two minutes after the party started, thanks mom for the bright idea to have it outside, no one showed up, nor texted me a reason why they didn't and my crush of, well, since freaking middle school just dropped the bomb that he's moving as soon as school ends, two months from now, because he wants to be spontaneous and I couldn't say anything but good luck because he or anyone really doesn't know I'm not straight and will probably be disgusted with me if I told him I wanted to stay because my heart is gonna be shattered when he leaves.

My hair was still dripping down my fresh shirt when my phone was thrown across the room and into the bathroom attached to it, the back slamming into the tub with the sound of the case bouncing of it, tears where on the verge of spilling from the corners of my eyes but I refused to let them, so what if this day was shit? I have plenty more birthdays to celebrate that won't be, but it still hurts, because everyone kept getting my hopes saying this day was going to be great and something big was gonna happen and then life decided it had other plans, everyone who promised to be there a million times didn't even have the decency to tell me they couldn't make it, even if it was fucking last minute that's better then ghosting me.

My sweater sleeves covered my fingers as my hand aggressively wiped my cheeks and eyes when the tears couldn't be contained anymore, thank goodness I was home alone so I wouldn't be bothered, I sobbed until my eyes were too puffy and red to hide and I was on the verge of passing out, almost doing so until there was a bang on the door.

I stood up and lazily walked downstairs, looking into the peephole to see Jay, my stupidly adorable, dense as shit crush in that leather jacket he's had since it was way too big to fit him, my hands unlocked and opened the door before my brain even realized it, he looked a bit sheepish but smiled brightly when his eyes landed on me.

For two seconds.

"What's wrong?" He asked, now frowning.


"Then why are your eyes and nose red?"

"Doesn't matter, why are you here?" I leaned on the doorway, still extremely tired.

"Because it's someone's birthday and I care about him" He smiled again then looked into the house "where is everyone?"

"They didn't show" I sighed, staring at his boots "figured they had better plans then keeping promises"

"I-... Gale I'm so sorry, if I knew I'd been here sooner" He moved forward.

"It's fine, it could've been worse"

I could feel his eyes on my face never raised mine, we stood in silence for a moment before his arms wrapped around me and lifted me up, my legs instinctively locked on his waist and my arms draped tiredly on his shoulders before Jay walked in and shut the door, my eyes closed as I listened to him take off his boots and walk around the house.

First there was the sound of a grocery bag gently landing on the table, then the creak of stairs and finally the sound of him plopping on my bed, "Gale"

"Hm?" I hummed.

"You're obviously tired, so lay down and take a nap, I won't disappear when you wake up" He commanded softly.

I whined but got off him anyways, shifting so my head was on his lap and curled up, not even bothering with the blanket.

"Don't you want a pillow instead of a thigh?" He ran his hand through my hair so gently it was like he was afraid I'd shatter like glass, then added when I didn't answer "fine you can sleep on me but you need to learn to break this habit"

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