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Shivers ran down my spine and his hand touched mine, slowly lacing our fingers together and rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand, my legs were shaking along with my breath, this was so hard to do, I wasn't ready, I can't do this, I can't breathe, I tried to step away but his hand squeezed mine and his lips lowered to my ear, "just breathe, you wanted to do this for so long, let's stop stalling" He whispered.

I swallowed thickly then nodded, looking up at the couch my parents sat on, both of them confused and slightly worried, it'll be just like a band aid, I have to get this over with quickly, my legs shook more as I thought for a second, "I-I.... Guys I'm gay"

I don't know what I expected, maybe for them to be disappointed, or angry, or both but neither happened, their faces changed from shocked to relieved to blank and then they just smiled, "as long as I still get a granddaughter I'm fine" My dad laughed.

My mom pinched his arm while looking at him with narrowed eyes then looked back at me, "that's great honey, I was worried you got a girl pregnant or mixed with the wrong crowd for a moment, thanks for trusting us enough to share that information"

I smiled relieved as my nervousness melted away, "I was worried you'd throw me out the house"

"Oh of course not, that would be cruel, but you are still moving out when you start college" She looked at Aiden who was still holding my hand, "is this your boyfriend?"

My face went fifty shades of red in two seconds as I stuttered trying to get out a response "I-uh, you- um, kinda- h-how-"

"Boy you act like we don't have ears" My dad spoke up.

If it was possible for me to get any redder I would've, was I really that loud while gushing about him? Aiden looked at me with a smirk and kissed the top of my head, stupid height difference, "Well we aren't gonna bore you any more with talks and stuff but remember to be safe and if you need to borrow the car for testing you can, oh and still pay attention in class" My mom said as she stood up and dusted her pants off.

Both of my parents left the room and I leaned in Aiden as he wrapped his arm around me, rubbing my bicep with his thumb, "that went way better then expected"

"Especially since my dad is log cabin and bear wrestling kind of guy, although he is full of surprises..." I messed with his shirt.

Aiden hummed in agreement, "welp I guess I'll have to take everything out of the room I prepared you"

"No no keep it, you worked hard on it, we can use the room when we want to get away from your little brother but are too lazy to get out of the house" I gripped the fabric gently.

He chuckled and lifted me off the floor, wrapping both arms around me so I don't fall and started going upstairs, I laid my head on his shoulder and gripped his muscled biceps, wondering if I'd be too heavy for him if he didn't workout as much as he did, my stomach has been getting a bit flabby.

Then I remembered that he wouldn't care and still pick me up knowing his arms could break, as it happened before, the memory made me pout then smile and trace the pattern on his flannel sleeve, "when are you going to come out to your parents?...."

Aiden paused just as he was about to sit on my bed then sighed, plopping on the mattress which made me bounce in his hold, "not any time soon"

I hummed in response, running my finger on his shoulder gently then kissed it, I didn't blame him for waiting since the chances of a bad reaction were too high, it was better if he told them when he had an apartment, stable job and from a safe distance, not that he couldn't handle himself if needed but I'd rather him not be attacked. We sat in silence until Aiden laid back and shifted us so our limbs were tangled together as he held my hand and kissed the top of my head again, I blushed lightly, still getting the same reaction a year after he did it the first time, I smiled at the memory still running my finger on him but this time his chest.

Cotton Candy And Teddy Bears (bxb oneshots) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now