Valentine Hunting

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"Why don't you just ask your crush?" My friend Audry asked.

"It's fine, if you guys already have dates I'll just stay home" I shrugged.

"Unacceptable" She countered "We always go to school dances together, every year, since elementary"

"well then I'll keep waiting for someone to ask me"

"the dance is tomorrow, we have no time, just go ask the person you want to go with, you never bring around your love interests" She pouted.

She was right, the dance was tomorrow but there were two problems:

I'm gay

And I don't know if my crush is even slightly into men.

I've been trying to wait and see if anyone would ask me first but it seems like nobody even considered me an option, my friends all already have a date and I wanted to go with them but if we were going to go together it's most likely that I'm going to be ignored halfway through and not have a ride home, honestly, it was my only choice since Audry would be crushed if I stayed home and she's like a little sister to me, I couldn't do that to her. I sighed, giving in "fine, I'll go ask them, but if they say no I might as well stay at home"

"good luck Tay," she said happily and squeezed me.

I playfully rolled my eyes and pat her head, despite she only a year below me she acted young, not that I mind, it was actually refreshing considering how most of the seniors in my school act, I'm sure at least two have been to jail already.

I went to search for my crush, hoping he was free, it was a low possibility since people started asking each other out two weeks in advance but I didn't want to ruin the night for my friends, eventually, I found him in a secluded area on the third floor probably waiting for his next class like usual.

Keith Vince was something else, he could classify as a jock but acted like a dork, his pitch-black hair was wavy and curled at the end just above his shoulders, his skin tanned from his summer job, his full lips always pursed, his lean muscles pressing against his t-shirt and his thick black square-framed glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose bringing out those pale sky blue eyes, I wasn't one to go after looks but everyone can agree that all of his partners got lucky, what made him even more attractive was his sense of humor and ability to admit when he fucked up, I really wanted to get to know him more.

I stood in front of him, trying to look casual but on the inside I was nervous as hell, there were a million reactions he could have to what I'm about to ask him and most of them aren't very pleasant, him looking up at me above his glasses didn't help either, curse me being almost two inches taller.

"What's up?" He asked.

I gathered my courage and tried to keep my voice from cracking as I spoke "I was just wondering if you had a date to the dance yet"

Keith raised a brow and smirked, this boy is going to give me a heart attack if he doesn't stop being cute, "Nothing confirmed, why?"

I shrugged "Wanna go together then?"

"what like a date?"

I looked away from him at the window next to us feeling my cheeks heat up, desperately trying to keep my voice from lowering into a mumble, "I mean if you want it to be we can go as a date"

"Cool, so I'll see you after school?"


Just then his phone was in my vision, I looked at it confused then gently grabbed it, my eyes trailed over to him wondering what he was trying to do, he cocked his head to the side as if it was obvious to him, "Put your number in there, I'll text you next time I'm free"

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