Sleepy Kiss

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My mind was fuzzy and I couldn't focus in class, I had stuck a note in Trevor's, my crush of almost four years, locker. I was even more embarrassed because I had kissed the note before I did that, I don't why know but I did it.

One problem 

I had last period with him after this one and I sit behind him.

"Justin," My teacher said.

I looked up to see him staring at me "y-yes?"

"Pay attention please" He narrowed his eyes at me.

I nodded and he continued to talk about water today's subject was.

After the class was over I walked out and sighed, noticing Trevor talking to his friends, they were probably talking about what they were going to do after the next swim tournament.

I didn't want to stare but I did, it didn't last long as my best friend Iza interrupted me "oi we are going to my house right?"

I looked at him, he was taller than me so I was face to face to his chest "yeah, let's go"

"You weren't staring at him again were you?" Iza snorted, looking over where I was.

"So?" I looked back over to Trevor

"You really need to get over him" Iza rolled his eyes, as if it wasn't easier said than done. 

I sighed and turned away to go to the parking lot like the rest of the students, he'll never understand.
The next day

I opened my locker and grabbed my science books, I loved and hated that class, I love it because I and Trevor are partners and hate it because the teacher is a moody ditz. Iza walked up to me and poked my side, making me jump and utter a weird noise.

"Funnier then last time" He chuckled.

"Screw off" I rolled my eyes and closed my locker, starting to walk to class

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the cactus" He pouted, following me.

"I'm not in the mood to deal with the witch" I sighed.

"Oh that's right you have science today"

"I have science every day"

He didn't answer that and just followed me to the class like he always did, ruffling my hair when we got to the classroom and I paused really not wanting to go in there but I had to or else I'd get detention, spinning around Iza was standing there waiting for me to go "I'll see you in an hour"

"Yeah, in an hour I guess" He turned and started walking off.

I took a deep breath and opened the door, the teacher already in her evil mood and I really didn't want to deal with her "Justin you're late"

"The bell just rang" I pointed out and walked to my seat after closing the door.

"I expect you to be here before the bell, like Tiffany and Greg" She narrowed her eyes.

"They're only here before me because you said they had to after one of your fits" I mumbled and placed my stuff on the desk, waiting for Trevor and the other students.

It took a minute but the class filled and Trevor was wearing his glasses today, I thought they looked perfect on him just like anything else he wears, today he had on a dark green flannel, Black Veil Brides t-shirt, and skinny jeans with his hair in a small bun, I liked that style.

I hadn't realized I was staring until he raised a brow at me, I looked away blushing and flipped to the last page I was on in my science book, I hate how obvious I am when I stare.

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