Kinda Hot

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"Sorry, I'm not into women"

Her face crumbled and tears filled her eyes, it happens everytime, and my heart hurts a little everytime, I don't like seeing them hurt but there's no way to avoid it, it's like when you tell a child their dreams can't come true, if you're a monster of course, you don't tell a child that, ever.

You do however, have to tell people you aren't interested in them if you aren't, because stringing them along also makes you a monster, and no one likes monsters, "o-oh" She said sadly while rubbing her eyes.

My frown deepened and I opened my arms for a hug, she took the invitation quickly sniffling, "thanks for telling me..."

I played in her hair gently, it was soft and slightly bouncy, as I twirled a small lock I said "I don't think I'd be a good match for you anyway, however there are a few guys that are interested in you"

She sniffed again and nodded, gripping my shirt tightly before slowly letting go and stepping back, wiping her face for the second time, "we can still be friends right?"

"Of course" That made her smile and the pain in my chest go away.

"I'll see you at lunch then"

Suddenly I was alone as she skipped off down the hallway probably to go back to class, my eyes stayed on her until she disappeared then shifted to the side, catching glimpse of something. I turned around to see a small boy, most likely a freshmen standing at the end of the hall, he seemed to be froze in place before his cheeks turned pink and he ran off down the entrance of another hall, it made me smile more, it's always adorable when they realize they got caught.

But there was something about him, I couldn't put my finger on it, that I swear I've seen before, as I shove my hands back into my pocket a bigger one landed on my shoulder, "shouldn't you be in class"

I jumped so high it would've been embarrassing if I was surrounded by people then turned around to see the school security guard with an amused smile, "oh it's just you, the teacher got sick suddenly and a replacement couldn't come on time so class was dismissed, the rest are in the cafeteria since we can't leave school" I explained, relaxed since it wasn't the principal.

The security guard nodded, "carry on then, just don't leave the school grounds"

I nodded back and the security guard walked past me then it clicked, if the boy was a freshman what was he doing out of class? Was he lost? Was he skipping? A tsk left my lips when I thought of such a skittish person attempting to ditch and my feet started going in the direction I saw him run, wanting to find him since I had nothing else to do.

When I had walked through almost the entire school I was grabbed by the arm to face a very pissed lady, maybe same year as me or one of our shorter teachers, "how dare you lie to her!"

Nope, same year as me, "lie to who? And I'd like it if you rather not aggressively touch me"

"Maria! You saw her less then five minutes ago"

I was confused, I didn't lie to Maria about anything, I just gently rejected her, the girl saw my confusion and screamed, "if you really didn't want to date her just say so, not that you don't like women all together!"

I stared at her still confused, wondering what she was on about, "I didn't lie"

"Cut the bullshit! You're constantly surrounded by girls and always have one under your arm!"

I sighed, slightly irritated because if her yelling, "that's my little sister and her friends, she's just cuddly"

The girl's face fell and she went completely silent, making me sigh again, "is it really that hard to tell the similarities or do people not look?"

Cotton Candy And Teddy Bears (bxb oneshots) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now