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"Go away bloodsucker!"

"Hand me a wooden stake quick! Before it gets away!"

Panic coursed through me as the customers in the cafe got rowdy at the sight of me, my breathing got labored as I backed into the door seeing them get angrier the longer I was in the building, I just wanted to know what their coffee tasted like, they were always closed before it was safe for me to walk outside and now the risky trip was pointless.

"Kill it before it grabs a child!" a man yelled.

That's when I bailed, pushing open the doors and into the boiling sun that burned my skin deeper than any flame, in my panic to escape, I bumped into someone mumbling out a quick sorry as I tried to move away but my arm was grabbed and I was yanked back close as the sun suddenly didn't seem so painful "Woah there hang on, you're smoking" the person said.

I looked up to see a man, he was oddly dressed for this time period as he had on a top hat, a cloak, and a fitted black suit on, his hair a shiny ink color reaching to about his ears under the hat, his skin sunkissed so he definitely was human, and his eyes a deep brown, he was using his cloak to shield me and as I stared at him I wondered why he was helping me.

"O-oh... thhank you" I mumbled, my lisp coming out.

"What is a vampire doing out in the sun? It's dangerous" the man asked with a furrowed brow.

"W-Well, I wanted to go into thhat cafe over thhere for sssome coffee, b-but the cusstomerss thhought I was thhere for blood and chasssed me out...." I said defeated.

"I noticed you booked it out of there pretty fast... do you want me to help you to a more shaded area?"

"Y-you're not gonna ssstab me once we're thhere right?" I asked quietly.

"I have no reason to, if I was gonna be a prick I'd just let you burn," he said seriously.

I guess it was either trust him or burst into flames for a painful death, so I meekly nodded and he started to walk over to a forest line, thankfully the one I came out of so I wouldn't have to spend an hour trying to find the path I took from home and I sighed relieved as I made it to the thick trees that were enough to keep me cool and out of the sun, but looking down at my hands I noticed that they were slowly healing third-degree burns and holes in my skin, stupid midmorning sunlight.

"Thhank you ssso much, I doubt I would have made it back alone..." I said looking back at the man.

"No problem, and for the record, there are plenty of night cafes around here, I can't say for sure if they're vampire friendly, but escaping would be a lot safer than trying to go into a regular one" he advised, and I nodded.

"I'll have to ffind thhose"

"Stay safe stranger" he waved as he walked off.

"Y-you too" I replied sheepishly waving back before sighing and leaning against a tree.

Those kinds of people are rare...

There were laws against discrimination towards my kind, they've been around for years but people don't seem to understand that not all of us are feral, many vampires derive from human ancestors since we were turned, I came from both as my mom was used as a sacrifice to save her village way back in the 1600s but my father wasn't a monster, I only got a few years with him before he was eventually killed but he was nothing like humans describe.

I sighed again and pushed myself off the tree I was leaning on and turned around heading deeper into the forest making sure to avoid spots where the trees were far enough apart it left holes of light through, by the time I made it back to my cabin hidden deep within the forest my wounds had completely healed, the sounds of the river pushing through the water wheel on the side soothed me while I unlocked the door and went inside. Taking off my satchel and putting it next to the door as I closed it with my foot and stared at my front room.

Cotton Candy And Teddy Bears (bxb oneshots) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now