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Jasper's POV

"Mr. Cole is like such a waste of a pretty face" Said a female student as she walked past me with her friend.

"I know right, that ugly scar just totally ruined it, mmm this is good, I wonder what happened that made him get it" Her friend said while eating what looked like some sort of mini cake.

"It looks like something attacked him, maybe he accidentally walked into a animal cage at the zoo?"

"That'd make him not as smart as he wants us to think" The other girl finished her cake.

"Yeah only dumb people can make that mistake"

"Pffft yeah, so he's not as scary-"

"Excuse me, Alex and Ann-" I cut them off


"Oh shit!"

"Language, anyway I overheard your conversation and I advise you not to disrespect your teachers no matter their appearance"

"And whatca gonna do about it?" Annabeth, the one who was eating the cake, said then Alexandria nudge her arm hard.

"Well I suppose if you don't mind your manners I'll arrange for both of you to take summer school until you of off to college and you dear Ann I am more then happy to tell your parents about some incidents you managed to block them getting information about" I don't know if it was my tone or that look in my eye the principal said I get when I threaten students to behave but both of them look frightened.

"Yes sir, won't happen again!" Alex said quickly before Ann could say something stupid again.


Alex grabbed Annabeth's arm roughly and started speed walking down the hall "what the fuck did I tell you about opening that big mouth of yours when a teacher is talking to us?" She snapped.

"I'm sorry it was reflex" Ann flinched lightly.

"Next time shut up!"

I rolled my eyes as they disappeared around the corner then walked to Gavin's classroom, opening the door and saw he was grading some papers before his next class "you know you don't have to defend me every time they say something about... That, right?" He said without looking up.

"Of course I have to at least say something, it's the only way those brats are going to learn some respect" I said closing the door.

Gavin has been teaching here for the past four years now, he worked harder then anyone I know and was really good with the kids, but still everyone even some of the staff gave him shit because of the scar on the left side of his face. I put down my bag on a desk and walked up to his, sitting on a clear spot so I didn't mess anything up, I knew he didn't mind and I was practically weightless to this old thing so there was no way it would break, ".... Why do you always come here? Not that I don't want you to I very much like your company but why?"

I pouted "because I like seeing you, is that a crime?"

He chuckled, his broad shoulders shaking, then looked at me with those dark but somehow bright emerald eyes, the left one duller then the right. His black curly hair falling into his tannish face framing it perfectly, as always my heart beats against my chest when he looks at me, I shouldn't be falling for my coworker but I couldn't help it, he was gorgeous "no it's not a crime" He said with a smile.

I felt my cheeks heat up and looked at the blank chalkboard, he chuckled again, "well then, I guess I'll stay"

"Good, I'd be lonely if you left" I heard him go back to work.

Cotton Candy And Teddy Bears (bxb oneshots) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now