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Part 2 finally (1000 years later)

Malcome's POV

I watched as Chris carried a few planks of wood over to the shed we were building even though we technically didn't need to as we had workers but it was nice to be productive especially when school was out, in the two years that he's been here he's sure changed a lot, becoming less shy about his accent and building a bit of muscle so he wasn't as lanky as the winter we found him he was still as pale as snow and his hair was still fluffy although becoming sunbleached the longer we stayed outside.

He looked at me catching my eyes staring at him then smiled and put the planks down coming over, "You know we're supposed to be working right?"

"Yeah, and it should be a crime to put you in overalls" I mumbled while looking him up and down.

He laughed, such a cute sound coming from him, "Stop getting distracted before Parry makes the workers come"

I groaned and he rolled his eyes at me while dragging me over to the shed, the outer layer was almost done, then we'd need a professional to do the inside and we could decorate it however we wanted. I held the ladder as Chris started hammering the planks in place so we could be finished with the wall, Lillian ran under the ladder giggling and startled me, "Hey go further in the yard, you can't play here" I scolded.

She looked up at me with puppy eyes and giggled again "I was showing Julie it wasn't bad luck"

"It may not be bad luck but you could still get hurt it someone's on it with a hammer" Chris commented.

"Okaaaay, I'll stop bothering you" She whined before running off to wherever Julia was.

I sighed shaking my head as our ruckus continued, Angel looking over the roof then staring at me with a 'come on' look seeing we had a ladder, "Oi, get off I need to shower" She called to Chris.

"In a second, I don't want to leave the nail loose" He called back.

She groaned and disappeared back onto the roof while I quietly snickered, Chris looked at me once he was done and started coming down, my hands going on his waist once he was in reach helping him carefully walk off so I could place it where Angel needed and held the sides as she came off, saying a small thank you as she went into the house. Chris grabbed my chin lightly to catch my attention, his face close to mine with a playful smirk on his lips, my heart caught in my throat as I started to lean toward him and close my eyes when he let out a tiny snicker and pat my cheek "Hold the ladder big man"

I stood there like an idiot for a moment before whipping around seeing him already climbing up with a hammer in hand and nails between his teeth, I rushed over to hold it in place so he wouldn't fall almost having a heart attack when it wobbled before my hands grabbed it, sighing in relief when he didn't seem to notice and continued putting the planks in place for the "Will you ever wait for me before doing stuff like this?" 

"No, you're too slow" He teased, taking a nail from his mouth.

I sighed again shaking my head, when we met two years ago on that freezing night he was so shy and cautious I never imagined him turning this bold and bright, frankly, he still had a long way to go before he was fully over what he had to go through when living on the streets so he was mostly this was only with us, but I was fine if he never showed this side to others, it was like keeping a small secret, and that secret made both of us happy.

something caught my eye and I looked over to the sliding glass door entering the dining hall, seeing Yuki staring over at us, when he noticed I caught him he tensed up and quickly turned around to run off into the house, that was also something that changed in two years, Yuki had begun to finally show more emotion than pissed off and tired, I knew why and honestly I was the least surprised in his taste in partners, it was just something I sensed, I was even less surprised that he refused to talk about it, that was more frustrating than anything.

Cotton Candy And Teddy Bears (bxb oneshots) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now