H-E-A-R-T, that's heart!

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A-are you sure?" I looked at the girls surrounding me, holding the outfit they handed me.

"We're pretty sure" Courtney, the cheerleading Captian spoke "we already got Leon on it too"

"That's not surprising" I mumbled under a sigh.

"Come on put it on! It'll be a good prank" Brenna encouraged.

"I-I think it's too small, but I'll try it..."

"I doubt it, we took your measurements and sewed it ourselves," Jen said, pushing up her glasses.

I looked at my normal cheerleading uniform, a long sleeve spandex suit that was honestly uncomfortable then looked at the uniform I was handed, a long-sleeved crop top that looked both loose and tight at the same time, and a pleated skirt with black shorts sewn on underneath, both uniforms our school colors as they were supposed to be but for some reason, I was more reluctant to wear the homemade one.

I sighed again and went into the showers to change since they wouldn't leave until I put it on, like I thought the clothes were both loose in some areas and tight in others, it was a bit annoying to get on but the skirt didn't hug anything it wasn't supposed to like I thought it would, hesitantly I walked out back into their view and they screamed in delight making me jolt a little from the sudden volume of the room but relaxed and tried to adjust the skirt to be just a little more "why does this seem shorter than the ones you have on?" I asked.

"Hannah might have gotten the measurements slightly wrong, but also you have pretty long legs" Courtney shrugged.

It was right, I was taller than most of them meaning my legs were longer, I bit my lip as I looked down at the skirt, feeling it between my fingers nervously "w-what if I get yelled at by coach about this?"

"Oh don't worry about it we already ran it through her, she found it funny" Brenna waved off my concern,

But the cheer coach wasn't the one I was worried about.

"Let's go ladies, we have to finish putting on our uniforms," Courtney said as she rounded them up and headed for the girl's locker room.

I sat on the bench in the locker room as their giggling disappeared, sighing again and leaning my head against the lockers I heard shoes again and thought they had forgotten to give me something else "you look good"

I opened my eyes and looked up at Leon, the only other male cheerleader at our school and a rather popular dude wearing a female uniform which looked slightly out of place, despite being flamboyant he didn't really wear "female" clothes so seeing his toned abs and legs from the lack of coverage was something new, the muscles in his arms nearly about to burst the fabric of the sleeves and the glittery plastic of the pompoms hiding his hands as he placed them on his hips.

"You look... surprisingly not that out of place" I mumbled.

"Thanks, personally I'm not a skirt guy but I'm not opposed to getting some extra sun on my skin" He chuckled then sat next to me "you look like you're gonna puke"

"I might..." I admitted.

"Is it coach?" He asked with a raised brow and I nodded "don't worry man, if he gives you hell the entire team will jump him"

"You shouldn't" I pointed out.

"If he has a problem with a boy in a skirt then he'll have an even bigger problem, getting chewed out" he shrugged "his only language is bitching anyway, so it's not like he's not gonna get the point"

I chuckled lightly "I guess..."

He pat my back then stood up again stretching "ooo, I might keep this uniform, much easier to pop my back in"

Cotton Candy And Teddy Bears (bxb oneshots) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now