Hurting Hearts

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It's that day again, the day of opportunity and love, Valentine's day.

Every year when it falls on the fourteenth of February, a gate opens and for twenty-four hours you are allowed to see who your soulmate is, some people find their match instantly and for some, it takes a few years of searching and moving to an entirely different country or two in order to find the person they were made to be with, me? I already know who my partner is, have for a few years now, but he completely cuts me off during this weird but happy day, not even a glance my way until the clock strikes twelve for the next morning.

It hurt, seeing him go after every woman who had a pulse hoping she was the one when I was standing right there waiting for him to realize maybe he's not as straight as he thought, but now, every year since I've met him he's been tossing his heart from one manicured hand to another rough one, I've given up long ago trying to grab his attention, it was clear he was hair deep in denial despite everyone constantly telling him to be open-minded the day before the fourteenth.

I kept my head down at the table trying not to break down after seeing Zaire, my soulmate, attempting to woo Tracy Dulb, the look on his face when he realized that not only was she not his other half but she was a lesbian and already found her match two years ago made my heart clench two times harder, I was trying to ignore everyone to try and pull myself together, the school day was only half done and I still had to face him in my last few classes.

"come on Gus, just one more time, it's the last year you're gonna be able to see him, at least for a long while" My friend Ana attempted to cheer me up.

"I think we should just grab that asshole by the neck and force him to look at Gus finally" my other friend, Carly, the most violent of the group suggested.

"oh that's a terrible idea, getting arrested isn't very fun"

"neither is watching our friend die from a broken heart"

"that's not gonna happen" Ana sighed.

"but it is a possibility" Craig, my best friend, piped in.

"see even the nerd agrees with me"

"that's not-"

"hush everyone" Ana ordered "we shouldn't be making decisions for Gus"

"you're doing exactly that!" Carly barked.

"I'm encouraging him to give it one last shot, you're attempting to go to jail!" Ana snapped.

I tuned them out, not in the mood to listen to them bicker again, my sight started getting blurry as I tried to stop the thoughts of being rejected, just then a pink blob appeared in front of me, I blinked away the tears to see it was a paper heart then looked at Craig, he smiled softly and nodded towards it. I picked it up and opened it to read 'i'll still love you when no one else will'.

I wiped my face and leaned on him, feeling slightly better.

Craig's always given me these even when we were just little five-year-olds chasing each other around with worms and sticks, each one had a different line in it and I kept them all. I found out years after that the reason he had started giving them to me was because he had a huge crush on me, he doesn't anymore now that he found out his soulmate, a kid in our eighth grade English class named Yuki, who unfortunately moved back to Asia sophomore year of high school before Craig could work up the courage to ask him out, but we plan to go find him once we were done with this hell hole.


I look up at Ana, who looked like she was about to either rip Carly's ponytail off or pop her tit, or both, "who do you think is right?"

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