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The moon shined brightly in the night, down in this clear circle in the forest like a spotlight. The vampire was two feet away from me, staring with so many emotions in his eyes I couldn't read them, the gun was pointed right at his heart while mine was beating so hard it physically hurt, it wasn't fear, it wasn't because I was running, leading him to this spot, I knew why it was doing this, I wish it wasn't true but beggars can't be choosers. 

"So, are you going to act? Or let me walk away again?...." He said, his voice heavy with the same amount of emotion as his ice-blue eyes, an unnatural purple ring around his irises.

I bit my bottom lip then slowly lowered the gun, this was unfair, how he can control me without meaning to, I knew he didn't want to die, and I didn't want to kill him, but if I go back letting him live another day I'll punch another hole in my wall and my boss will get mad at me for the wall and my inability to kill this man, and I can't lie about it because it'll immediately give me karma, trust me I've tried.

He walked closer and placed a hand on my cheek, I had to fight the urges hard in order not to melt into his touch but I managed to do so, I hate how no matter what cuts and bruises his hands, or the thousands of years he's lived, his hands are still softer then fresh cotton, it's unfair. "Why do you even try when the outcome is always the same? Just leave them and it's all over...." He spoke softly and this time I couldn't fight the shiver that ran down my spine.

Growling I smacked his hand away, jumping back and out of his reach "because one day I know the outcome will be different, I'll finally do my job and hunt another of your kind you  blood-sucking demon!"

He frowned, looking hurt and brushed some hair out his face blown there by the wind "have it your way, but this isn't going to change until the day you die, you won't do it and I know you'll never let another"

I swallowed loudly, I knew he was telling the truth, this would go on and on until I die or he dies while I'm not around to save him, I hate that. "Bruce......" I started but bit my tongue, not knowing what I was going to say.

And like that he was gone, and so was my gun, bastard always taking it when he leaves me to find my way back, we've chased each other and lead each other in this forest so many times I didn't have to worry about getting lost, I easily made my way back to headquarters and managed to sneak into my room without anyone noticing. I crawled into bed and thought about that damn vampire like every night, I wish I could get him out of my head but that hasn't happened since before I met him, years and years ago. I hate it, he's the second vampire I've been ordered to kill and my ticket to permanently staying in this organization and I still haven't managed to swallow down that annoying feeling every time we meet and finally pull the trigger, a little longer and I might be kicked out. Slowly my thoughts made me fall asleep, not having the dream I usually have, this one was tamer..... Happier..... More loving.


I awoke from someone shaking me roughly and the smell of smoke, after fluttering my eyes open and seeing my only friend in this place Stacy with a panicked look on her face I finally heard the fire alarm and realized I needed to get up. Quickly I shot out of bed, grabbed a bag and filled it with my important stuff then threw it on my shoulder and grabbed Stacy's hand, dashing out the room and down the halls. Good thing we were only on the second floor and I was a really fast runner because we were out of there before I realized we forgot to cover our mouths and nose with a wet cloth, well just me, Stacy already had one but she didn't use it much because of her extremely hard breathing. The sirens of the fire trucks soon could be heard shortly after we had gotten out, I hope everything could be easily repaired or replaced, I have nowhere else to go and so did many others.

Cotton Candy And Teddy Bears (bxb oneshots) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now