If You Loved The First

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"I can't do this anymore" He sighed.

"what? what do you mean 'this'?" I sat up, a bit upset our cuddling session was interrupted.

"You know you love him, we both do," He said not making any sense.

"I have no idea who you're talking about but baby I only love you"

"No you don't, you love Roy-"

"We aren't having this conversation again Maddie, I already made it clear I don't like him, he's just a friend"

"Liam I'm tired of this, you keep repeating that and you're the best boyfriend I've ever had but I've seen the way you look at him, I can't compete with that"

"Babe, Roy is a friend, whatever you people are seeing is a fucking delusion I'm not in love with him" I sighed, wanting to drop this already, we've already had this conversation more times then I can count and I wanted was to just spend time with him.

"You practically faint when he looks at you! you denying this is like saying bears are hairless!" He sat up, looking hurt and slapping my hand away when I went to hug him "I can't do this anymore Liam, it hurts..."

"Maddie please, we've already been through so much together, don't let a stupid rumor break us apart" I pleaded, I really didn't want six months of commitment to just be thrown out the window like this.

"It's not a rumor! everyone seems to notice but you, I knew you were stubborn when we started dating but god, just move the smoke from your eyes it's so obvious" He raised his voice, getting frustrated.

"I'm pretty sure I know who I love and it's not him! I don't know how this bullshit started but everyone needs to stop believing everything they hear" I was got just as frustrated.

He huffed and scrambled out of bed grabbing his bag and jacket "My point still stands, once you get your shit sorted come find me" He hissed then slammed my door.

I stared after him until I heard the front door then sighed and buried my face in my hands gripping my hair, another one down the drain and I really got used to having him around, I grabbed my remote and chucked it at the wall watching as it bounced off and landed at my feet. my phone lit up and started blaring my ringtone making me look at it but it was from the last person I wanted to talk to during this so I just let it go to voicemail while I laid down and curled up.

I couldn't stop the few tears that fell down my face in frustration while my phone started blowing up, staying there for god knows how long before there was a small knock on my door as it opened, "You done ignoring me now?" a smooth deep voice asked.

I didn't answer and just wiped my face as the bed dipped at my feet, "Same argument?"

I huffed but still wouldn't answer him, he was used to this by now though "Listen, Liam... maybe its time to take a step back and look at the bigger picture, they wouldn't always say the same thing if there wasn't a reason behind it"

"There is no bigger picture!" I hissed, hurt still laced in my voice "I'm not in love with you and that's a fact! I want to punch whoever started this bullshit, it's ruining my love life"

Roy paused then let out a long sigh, leaning back and making the bed dip more, "I don't think anyone started it, I think there might just be a misunderstanding of a situation, someone assuming things and everyone going along with it"

"If it was a misunderstanding then why has it going on for years? we aren't in elementary anymore we have a totally different crowd around us, and yet-"

"Liam I'm going to be real with you, start listening to what others are saying, you're stuck in a pattern and the only way to get out of it is to take my advice, step away from everything for a moment and see where this stuff is stemming from, things like this don't appear out of thin air," he said bluntly.

Cotton Candy And Teddy Bears (bxb oneshots) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now