Cloud 0

122 7 1

So, yeah this was one of those late-night thoughts, it's shorter than the ones I usually write but only a small bit, and oh yeah, big TW towards the end of it

sorry not sorry, enjoy!


I woke up in the middle of something soft, abnormally soft, it was like it was crafted by someone who searched to the end of the universe for the best material and made it into a bed. my eyes slowly fluttered open to see an endless sight of orange cream clouds under a gorgeous sunset sky, my body ached as I sat up confused and dazed, where was I? who was I? my memory seemed to be wiped completely except for a few important things, like how this was weird, there was nothing even close to this existed on where I had initially came from, was I in a dream? no, that can't be it, dreams aren't this... real?

I stood up and looked around, it seemed like I was alone in this soft beautiful world, I should be scared, I knew that but for some reason, I couldn't feel anything actually, I was overwhelmingly calm despite everything, the way this land seemed to stretch for eternity with absolutely no small difference, the intense ache in my body especially my throat and the fact that I couldn't remember anything, at all. my feet started to move making the clouds puffy and create a small amount of smoke rise to my ankles, I started to wonder more what this place was and why I was here, who created it?

After what felt like an hour of walking and thinking the ground, if you can call it that, started to move. a pillar of clouds appeared and bloomed like a flower to show me something that looked like a giant orb, I stared at it waiting for something to happen but nothing did, feeling stupid for standing there for so long I huffed and was about to walk away wishing I had someone with me just to talk about when the orb glowed and color swirled in it to reveal... a man?

The image only showed me his head and a bit of his shoulders, his hair was fluffy but mildly tamed, framing his face perfectly while his hazel eyes stared at me, his lips curved into a smile lifting his round cheeks and making the corners of his eyes crinkle, I pushed up my glasses and wondered who he was, I felt like I've known him but from where?

right when I mentally asked that question the orb glowed again and showed a different scene, this time acting more like a TV than a picture, it was one of two kids. after staring at it unfolding and the kids turned around and I recognized one as me and the other as the man from before, we were around the age of five and running around, the boy chasing after me until he grabbed my shoulder and started running in the other direction with me chasing him now, tag, it was a game of tag. a piece of my memory popped up like a piece to a puzzle, that was when we first met, the boy's name was Anthony and he was the new kid in class after having been moved from his old one, for some reason he had taken an interest in me and my group of friends and did his best to insert himself with all of us as friends and I was the one who offered to play with him after school.

A woman came onto the porch as I slammed face-first into a man's leg almost making him fall and drop whatever he was holding, I immediately recognized them as my parents and multiple pieces of my memory popped up unlocking the first six years of my life, along with meeting Anthony that was one of the days my dad bought my mom a gift with the extra money he had, the cake he got was delicious and got me the nickname Cake Kid from Anthony, when I went to sleep in the orb it turned off and another pilar sprouted.

I walked over to it making the top bloom and show another orb, before I could think anything colors swirled and showed another scene, this was middle school a few days before a dance after school, I let out a shaky sigh and that was the first time audio came out of the orb, Anthony asked me what was wrong and pointed out I seemed weird the entire day, I didn't answer right away, taking a moment to think and choose my words carefully before saying there was something I needed to tell him.

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