Love Fools

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This is a very late April fools one-shot that I came up with 2 minutes ago so bare with me and just read, also this one is also angsty because ya boi is the embodiment of 2012, have fun


"Hey babe" Flynn, my crush spoke.

I assumed he was talking to a new boyfriend I haven't heard of yet so I continued to stare at my phone while I continued to wait on my friend so we could carpool home when a manicured finger pressed on the top of it and gently lowered it making me look up directly into honey hazel eyes, "Baby" Flynn purred, the scent of him overwhelming me as I could feel my pupils dilate and my face become a tomato "I said hi"

I swallowed thickly, my brain scrambling to make sense of this, sure he knew I had a massive crush on him but he's never paid attention to it, so unless we got drunk last night and my memory wiped that chunk out I couldn't figure out why he was suddenly acting like this, "H-hey"

He giggled, standing on the toes of his heeled boots leaning in closer, my heart just about burst out my chest when he pressed his soft plump lips against mine with a smile, I froze trying to process it for a moment before moving to wrap my arms around him when he pulled back the smile still on his face as he whispered just loud enough for the people around us to hear "I love you"

My eyes widened as joy filled me, this was definitely sudden but I wasn't complaining in the least, "r-really?"

"Just kidding" His smile went from loving to teasing "April fools"

I could hear my heart rip in half

I shouldn't have gotten so suddenly hopeful, Flynn has ignored my feelings for three years now so this was completely out of place, I hadn't even noticed it was April 1st which just added more to the shock, I had no idea what he was expecting but it definitely wasn't me sidestepping away and heading for the doors, I shoved my phone in my pocket not waiting on my friend anymore. the parking lot wasn't as full as it usually was as many people had club meetings and such today or just felt like doing after school activities meaning I could safely speed walk to my car without bumping into anyone.

Just as I slammed the door to the driver's side my buddy appeared in the seat next to me along with two other friends, "Hey man don't leave without us" he joked but I wasn't in the mood.

I didn't bother replying, just starting the engine and pulling out of the school, whatever happy atmosphere they had was killed once they realized I was upset but I couldn't feel bad about it as I drove to my house where my parents were thankfully not home, I didn't want to be pestered.

once we were finally out of the car and in my house my buddy Archer pulled me aside probably fed up with me being pissy, "Dude what's wrong? you look like someone hit your dog"

"Nothing it's fine, I'll cheer up" I shrugged him off, going to walk away but he grabbed my arm and turned me so I was facing him.

"Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything" the look on his face showed he was worried but I ignored it.

"Yes, just need a beer and some time to clear my head" I pulled my arm out his hand.

He sighed but didn't try to stop me again but rather follow into the kitchen where the fun was being held, it took a few minutes and a full can of hard apple cider but finally, everything got comfortable and we were up in my room playing Call of Duty until well after sundown and my parents came home, thankfully they didn't poke their head into my room as the four of us were too focused and lazy to clean up the cans but we were smart enough to leave the window open, I kept getting slaughtered as I was new to the game and dropped my controller onto the ground in frustration when I lose or the twentieth time in a row as that was our last match, "Nate you're the only sober one here go grab us some snacks" Vince ordered.

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