10 Years Later

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We were at the airport, standing in front of each other, he had to leave. His bitchy strict parents forced him to go to the best college they could afford which was pretty damn great but I had chose to stay in this small town in the community college since my dream job didn't take a class A degree to accomplish. This was my last chance, it doesn't matter anyway because I'll never see him again, over eight years of friendship being stripped away like that and four years of feelings about to be worthless in two seconds. The gate number was called and we hugged, my heart racing was so fast it hurt and my legs about to give out, a sudden wave of confidence overcame me as we let go and I look into his teary eyes. I stood on my toes and kissed him, it was short but not enough to be a peck, and was filled with love, sadness and relief, he stared at me as his one of his parent's friends urged him to get in line then, everything I feared came true. I didn't realize he had hit me until he walked away and the sting of pain became very noticeable, the last image of him I saw was his eyes clouded, like he was trying to hide something.

Why did you do that..... Joseph?


I awoke from the pained memory as someone on the train shook me, slowly looking at the figure to make out Rebecca, a close friend I made after that day ten years ago. "Wake up sleepy head we're at our station" She said softly.

I groaned, stretched and stood up looking around, there weren't many people on the train and as I was about to say something Rebecca grabbed my hand and got off the train before the door closed and we'd have to get off at the next station then get on another train to get to where we needed to be. I really didn't feel like going to work today, my depression was giving me a giant bear hug and I was too exhausted, I did sleep last night but still felt drained. Nonetheless I still had to because I was planning a vacation and I need the money in order to afford a plane to get back to this small town.

As we approached the building what I saw made me drop my bag and let go of Rebecca's hand, my own falling to my side. There was no mistake Joseph was in a suit leaning on the wall smoking a cigarette next to the door with two bodyguards on either side of him. Two years ago he became one of the four most important business men in the world, what was he doing here? He looked different, his golden brown hair shaved at the sides and was longer, he was more muscular but could still be considered lean, his five o'clock shadow made his face look sharper and more mature and his ice blue eyes looked cold, the opposite of being full of life from when we were teenagers and kids, his skin was also slightly more tan. Like it hadn't been ten years since I've seen him my heart started to beat a thousand miles an hour and butterflies raged in my stomach.

My legs almost gave out when he looked up from his phone and locked on my eyes, I thought his eyes warmed up for two seconds before turning cold again when the bodyguard on his left tapped his shoulder and gestured for them to go into the building. When they left Rebecca snapped me back into reality "do you know him?" She asked when she had my attention.

I swallowed and nodded "he's Joseph...."

"Well no shit, everyone who isn't three years old knows what his name is" She rolled her eyes.

"No no he's Joseph........My Joseph...." I played with my fingers looking at the ground.

"Wait what? He's the asshole who broke your heart ten years ago? Impossible, if he was he would've mentioned you in one of the sixteen interviews he did about his childhood, he said he was born in New York-"

"He lied" I hissed, cutting her off "we knew each other since second grade, I AM his childhood, he just wants to forget about me because of my stupid mistake...."

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