Real Love

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Trigger warning: some sensitive stuff said.

Also there's a lot of cussin cuz I'm too tired to be proper.


I stared at the picture blankly wishing I could go back in time, it was a picture of me and my husband of almost six years on our second date when a photographer walked up to us saying we were cute together and wanted to take a picture, there was a goofy smile on Richard face while I was laughing, my once crooked fang showing. Richard was on another business trip and I missed the way he held me before we slept, the little pecks right under my eye when he just wanted to express is love with no other reason and his cooking, mostly I'm the one who cooks since I spent eight years in college learning that one skill.... And writing but he still cooks when he wants to be cute or when I'm not feeling well, it's been a month since I've had that and I was just now starting to get lonely, only two more days and I can have my giant husky again. Why a husky? Because he acts like one and it's his favorite dog since he can't have an actual wolf, he even tried to get one on a high school field trip to the woods one time almost costing him a pinky, luckily his best friend was looking after his careless self or I might've not have even met him.

It was about time for dinner but like most days this month I wasn't hungry so even though I would regret it when I try to sleep tonight I didn't even look in the fridge to see if there was anything edible, just went to our room. Biting my bottom lip thinking of Richard, tears welded in my eyes as I've thought about the past year, he's been forced to go on business trips practically back to back for months at a time and I just want him to hold me and listen to him fuss at me to eat like he had to do almost everyday in college, but everytime he gets home he's too stressed and tired to do anything, hopefully when he gets home he'll stay for more then a week. Before I knew it tears were streaming down my face but I quickly tried to recollect myself, he'll be home soon there's no need to cry.

Wiping my tears and whipping out my phone I hit the call button on Skype and hoped to get an answer, when it was about to hang up Richard's tired face appeared, "hey baby, how are you?"

"I'm fine, did I catch you at a bad time? I can call back later-"

"No you didn't, I'm glad to talk to you, so what's my beautiful baby doing?"

"Just thinking about you" I smiled softly.

"Awe, don't miss me too much now, I'll be home before you know it"

I looked behind him, the hotel room was pretty but messy, a result of Richard being too tired to do anything but sleep and waking up in a rush, I wish I was there with him but that wasn't possible, pouting I touched the glass of my phone on Richard's cheek, "I can't wait another forty eight hours..... I want to hold you now...."

"I want nothing more then to catch the first plane home right the second but I have two very important meetings in the morning and then dinner after that then the next day Natalie wants me to take her to some weird thrift store and I'll be home free"

I frowned "Natalie again? I know she's your boss but you need to learn how to say no when it's not business-"

"Look baby I have to keep her pleased if I want to keep this job just put up with her for a little longer"

"Rich she has like the biggest crush on you and kissing her feet is only feeding that-"

"I already told her I'm married to you and that I'm not even bisexual so there's no chance for her"

"It's like you're sweeping the many times she's tried to crash our marriage under the rug, you need-"

"Babe, it's fine, as soon as I get this promotion I'll cut her out since I'll technically be her boss now just please-"

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