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I was underwater, my chest tight and lungs burning. My eyes were open but the water didn't sting, he was staring at me, face paler then anyone I've ever seen, eyes emotionless and cold, mouth curved into a frown set with stone. I needed air, I tugged my wrists and faintly hear the metal that bound me to this prison, the burning was getting worse and I just wanted to inhale without the fear of dying, the light was dimming and my eyes were getting heavy. It was at that moment I knew I wasn't getting out of here with my body, but rather my soul. He still continued to watch me drown, all dry and out of the water, the man that put me here, he always puts me here and watches me fight the chains. But today was different because I wasn't thrashing and pullingI knew I wasn't getting out, this is where I finally gave in. As my eyes started to close on their own. His skin cracked as if he was a statue, I watched as long as I could before my eye fully shut, and my lungs filled with water.


I jolted awake and sat up fast enough to make the headache I had worse, I grabbed my throat inhaling deeply. My lungs actually burned and my chest felt tight, I don't know why I still wake up like this, I have the same dream every night, ever since I was five and that accident happened I've had the same dream. They were way way worse when I was younger but now it's just the man who's been haunting me since that day staring as I died. That man was the psycho captain that crashed the ship everyone I've loved and cared for was on, I didn't go because I get seasick but I had seen him staring at me from the ship while everyone boarded, looking away only when it was time to go. I was staying with my preschool teacher and also an extremely close friend of my mother's at the time and still am since the family I have left aren't people I want to be around.

I hate that I have to go to school, I can barely focus and get in trouble for things when I wasn't even near the person who actually did it. It sucks, but Nancy would never let me skip school if I don't have a valid reason. I crawl out of bed and take a shower then get dressed in my usual baggy outfit, I go downstairs and see there's a plate on the dining table, usually Nancy doesn't have time to cook but I guess she didn't have to go to work at her usual hour. I sit down and eat while double checking my homework and I hadn't forgotten anything then put my plate in the sink when I was done.

Going outside the wind hit me in the face hard enough to shove air up my nose and I coughed, it was a sunny day with a not very light breeze but I appreciate it since its rarely ever this way in this small town. Not completely ready but have to anyway I make my way to school to start the day.

After school cuz school is boring and I don't wanna write about it.

I sigh and lean on my locker exhausted ready to sleep, all I had to do was wait until Jordan leaves. Jordan is my crush and I don't want him seeing me when I look like I've been up all night and didn't get a wink of sleep today, because that's what I looked like right now and I don't like it, at all. Among the many footsteps I hear I can point out Jordan's, not because I stalk him or anything I'm not that kind of person, but because I'm so used to waiting for him to leave first and I have to know when he's near in order to do that. Today his footsteps didn't go straight to the door as I expected them to, no they were headed towards me, I panicked on the inside as Jordan got closer. When I could see him in the crowd of people trying to get home to play video games or shove their tongue down their lover's throat I immediately looked down in hopes that it was just my imagination, but the sound of a hand pressing on the locker next to mine and the smell of Jordan's cologne said otherwise.

Cotton Candy And Teddy Bears (bxb oneshots) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now