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So uh, it's been a long while hasn't it? if this is still in your library I'm sorry this isn't an actual update but I do have some news: I'm writing a new book!

it's a big contrast to this book mainly in the fact that it's... not the wholesomest so if you're not into that feel free to ignore this buuuuuut if you like making yourself cry then this is for you, it's called Cupid's Curse and the first chapter is out now, yes right now and you can read it at this very moment for the low low price of free!

The plot follows main character Tristao on his journey of college love life after his previous relationships didn't go over too well, like, really unwell but maybe you can only have so many fails right? right??? and big trigger warning for anyone who is sensitive to certain things this book is going to be heavy including themes such as not happy mental spaces, toxic relationships, and homophobia so if that is too much (and the other things listed in the description, please read the description before reading the actual book please for your mental sake) then sit out of this one cause you are too precious for this.

if you have roughly 5 minutes on your hands go check it out and if you want to see me continue the story feel free to add it to your library and share it with a friend!!

one last thing before I leave though, if you aren't interested in me manifesting the ink my brain has been consuming into a book I still have something else you might like, it's not going to be a book sadly but three months ago I posted a one-shot called Dreams about a boy named Ben, it's not LGBT focused but it does have some cute snuggling between dudes so go give it a read if you have nothing else to do and maybe give me a follow so you can harass me about writing a fluffy novella, I can do it I just don't have the motivation cause it's not being asked of me, anyway here's the link:

now enough of my incessant ramblings, it is time we depart once more dear readers but fear not, maybe this isn't the last time we see each other, maybe one day I will edit these damn oneshots so you have something new to read, or maybe I'll pop in once more for another promotion for something you'll actually like but until then this is the end of this journey

until next time.

Cotton Candy And Teddy Bears (bxb oneshots) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now