Spring Time Loving

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"Adri? Mike?!" I called out, not beliving they'd leave me in the middle of a mall I've never been in before.

Fear started soaking into my mind when it dawned on me they really did, in the middle of a clothing store! They have my wallet too, assholes, I huffed and went to explain what happened to the cashier then left the store to look for those traitors, it had to have been two hours before I considered they left the mall entirely, the pink leaves of the cherry blossoms swayed in the afternoon wind, I pulled out my phone to call Adri but when I tried to turn on the screen it showed me that it was dead.

"Damn it!" I cursed then sighed.

"You okay?"

My eyes looked up to see a man holding out his phone, he was frowning and genuinely looked worried, I blinked then looked back down at the ground, "my friends ditched me at the mall, they were my ride"

He sat next to me on the water fountain and held out his phone in my line of vision, "call them, it's getting dark"

I stared for a moment before mumbling thank you and gently taking the phone out his hand and dialing Adri's number, it took a few calls but she finally answered, "who is this?"

"You pig tailed motherfucker!" I immedatey burst out "did you forget you came with TWO people on this damn vacation?!"

"Oh shit Joshua, we are so sorry we only noticed when we got in the hotel room, we're in the car as we speak" Adri gushed.

"I'm legit taller then both of you midgets, how'd you forget a 6'5 dude?"

"I said we're sorry! stop being meaaaan" She whined.

"Just get over here now, unlike you I've never been here and it's getting dark"

She whined again then hung up, I exhaled to calm my nerves then handed the phone back, "sorry, it's just this isn't the first time"

"No need to be sorry, I understand" The man sighed.

I finally looked at him properly and I realized he was alot younger then I first thought now that there weren't all those shadows on his face, he was most likely only a year older then me, we stayed in silence for a minute before he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, making my heart flutter, then spoke "they're shitty friends for leaving you behind"

"No, they just have bad memories" I sighed for the thousandth time today.

"Tou said it yourself, how do you miss such a large person? And if this isn't the first time then that's worse because they've been to alot of places with you, small or not you don't just 'forget' someone you've spent so much time with and most likely ivested money on" He cracked open his eye and turned to me slightly.

It was such a beautiful dark blue, it honestly looked like a crystal ball or polished sapphire, I was spellbound, he suddenly gave a smirk that made my cheeks heat up, "nothing to say now?"

I looked at my lap and shook my head, it was extremely rare for me to get flustered but there was something about this stranger that drew me in, he chuckled making me blush more, "how old are you kid?"


"Oh? you're older then you look, you still got a baby face"

I turned to him irritated but instantly melted when I saw the smile on his face, it was so adorable.

Jeez what is wrong with me? I'm not some main charater in a romance manga, I puffed out my cheeks and pouted, "how old are you then?"


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