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Strong language and some offensive words, you have been warned


In the dim light his face seemed to glow, his tanned skin looking completely smooth, his grey eyes full of emotions, his lips looked soft, his jet black hair slicked back, everything about him was..... Perfect, even the mask he wore, gold and white. One of his toned arms around my waist and his slightly rough hand holding mine as we danced, this had to be a dream, nothing this good could ever happen to me in real life. Even though we go to the same school and I'm sure I've seen those grey eyes a million times I just couldn't figure out who he was, too lost in the moment to think hard enough, he slowed his steps forcing me to do the same then leaned so his lips were centimeters from my lips like he was about to speak then remembered we weren't allowed to, in order to keep our identities a secret.

After a moment his silently sighed then buried his face into my neck, which must've been uncomfortable since even with these dumbass heels on I was still shorter then him, I blame you dad. He slowly sped up to the normal pace, making sure I didn't trip or struggle then looked at me again, damnit, this isn't good I thought as his eyes were filled with love, he isn't going to be looking at me like that if he finds out the girl he's been dancing with all night is actually some dorky nerd from the book club forced to come here.... And is 100% male. Still, I couldn't help but blush as we kept eye contact, my black and silver mask.

Flash back two hours ago

"I'm not going to that stupid prom" I said while munching on my chips and watching my sister struggle to put on her thigh highs.

"Oh come on! This is going to be the best memory of high school and you're going to waste it pretending like you can get fat?"

"Don't be insulting me because Nana didn't bless you with an abnormally fast metabolism" I glared at her while still stuffing my face.

"Aidan Night you are going to this damn prom or I'm telling mom where you keep your porno!"

At that I sat straight up and dusted crumbs off my shirt "where's my suit?"

"Oh.... I didn't think that'd actually work...... Or that you had porn" She blushed and started fixing her thigh highs.

I rolled my eyes and was about to lay back down when she rose her heel like she was going to throw it at me, I held my hands up in defense and shifted back into my previous position, I don't even know why she wants me to go with her, I don't have a date, my crush is a dude who probably has the hottest thot in the school in his arms right now even though the prom starts in two hours and KC probably doesn't even have a suit that'd magically fit me stuck in her closet yet I haaaaaaave to go to this useless dance. She always does this, she always makes me go to dances even though nothing works out in the end, I know she just wants me to finally get a boyfriend so I can stop drooling over her's, what? He's hot, but I'm the only gay guy in the school which means, there's no way in hell that's going to happen. "I have a better idea little bro" She said with a smirk.

Before I could ask what she had in mind I was washed, waxed and sitting in nothing but a towel letting KC put some light makeup on me to, as she always said, 'highlight my beauty' when I know that's not it because one, she loves just putting makeup on people regardless of age or gender and two there was no beauty for her to highlight. When she was done she pulled out a black slightly poofy dress usually shown in movies taking place in the late eighteen hundreds - early nineteen hundreds that the rich wear, black panties, stockings and those weird straps that connect them, "this or the white version? I don't have blue sadly"

Cotton Candy And Teddy Bears (bxb oneshots) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now