Long Time No See

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(Very Unedited)

I stared at the feeling as I got caught up in my thoughts once again thinking about someone I hadn't seen since the last day of eighth grade, I missed him so much, he was best friend and my first love back them.

Now I was in college, still fantasizing about his silky curly pitch-black hair and his earthy brown eyes, his pale skin was littered with acne scars and blemishes and his nose was slightly crooked but he was still the most beautiful person my eyes landed on to this day, the last I saw him he was still the skinny nerd with braces and oversized harry potter glasses I had basically grew up with before I was forced to move the summer of freshman year.

I missed so much about him, like the nights we'd stay up while I played in his hair that he always claimed was greasy despite him taking good care of it, us going out while it was raining and kicking water at each other and catching frogs like we were five and not twelve, the way he snorts when he laughs and his full body blushes, when he's focusing and there's a cute pout on his face, his chipped front tooth that showed in every smile before he got his braces, the face he makes when he first woke up, too many things to list without making someone fall asleep halfway through, the only thing I didn't miss was how he was a magnet for mud and constantly walked into my house tracking the dirty water mixture on the floor after I moped after his soccer practice.

it had been years since I last saw him yet I still can't get that toothy smile out my head, it kept me up at night and distracted when studying, especially during the first few days of high school, Finally sighing and rolling out of bed I scratched my chest from under my shirt and went into the bathroom to get ready for the day and try to push him to the back of my mind like I usually had to when I had to focus, the one regret I ever had sticking to me like glue.

I never asked him out.

I had planned to do it at our freshman graduation but that was obviously looking too far into the future as we didn't even hit our freshman year, all of those kisses we could have shared and opportunities to cuddle closer thrown away because I didn't want to be too young and for us to fall out before I was ready to let him go, I always had the urge to go back to our home town just to check on him when I had the chance but I always chicken out, what I was afraid of was unknown to me.

After a quick shower and brushing my teeth I brushed my hair for four seconds then put on the university hoodie and some jeans slinging my backpack on my shoulder prepared to face the cold fall day of my junior year, just a few more years and I can finally start my actual life, and hopefully be so busy that all distractions are thrown out the window, once my shoes were on I started my long walk in the quiet dawn, a soft breeze flipping my already messy hair around. as I passed her house, my friend Yuri popped out and jogged to my side on the concrete unusually happy for it being freezing outside, "Morning Felix!"

"How are you so perky?" I looked at her from the corner of my eye then back in front of us.

"That's because I actually sleep" She nudged me, then shoved her hands in her pockets to keep them warm, "That and coffee"

"Figured" I mumbled as we walked.

"Hey, it's not like we have anything to be excited about, all we have is Mr. Fletcher and the horrid stacks of homework" She groaned.

"You have a stack of homework" I pointed out as we rounded a corner "I do most of mine when we have some spare time between the classes"

"And then you forget to eat, seriously stop wasting your lunchtime on that stuff, you're losing all of that precious muscle mass you worked years for" She rolled her eyes,

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