Goodbye, My love

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wow, it's been a while huh?

to those of you that kept this book in your library for idk how long, thank you, whether you're a new reader or an old one I appreciate you considering this book is an actual mess, I didn't mean to take a break this long I really didn't but, let me explain.

the simple explanation is that I simply just lost interest, I put blood, sweat, and at some times literal tears into this book but it was starting to stress me out to the point I got really bad writer's block, it started in 2019 but after May 2020 I just, couldn't anymore, my writer's block had gotten so bad I'd stare at a screen for an hour then close it then feel frustrated and useless the entire day, and having migraines didn't help.

I want to continue this, I want to keep writing wholesome content for people, I want to keep creating little worlds for people to get lost in to escape whatever reality they are facing now, after all, I do that with books all the time, it's the reason they exist, to get lost in them, but right now I don't know if I can do that anymore.

I'm not abandoning this account, after December 2020 hit and I had taken some medication finally for my annoying migraines my will to write came back, so if you follow me then you'll most likely see something new from me, it won't be soon, and it sure as hell won't be good, but it'll be different, something I can look forward to uploading instead of leaving it halfway like so many other books on this site, unfortunately, end up being, which sucks because there are so many talented authors and either they lose interest or life ends up sweeping them away.

but until then it's time to say goodbye, goodbye to this book, goodbye to me, goodbye to the immense pressure I put on myself at the beginning of this journey, I'm not editing the chapters as I keep telling myself to do it then just end up never doing it, I'm most likely going to change the name and cover but that's it and then I'm done, done for good? only time will tell, but for now.

this is the end kiddos, I love each and every one of you, and incase you need to hear this, I'm proud of you.

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