Paradox Theory

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Adrika's POV

     Life was complicated was an understatement for what my life was. Everyone came around step by step. Except for Sky. Maybe my presence reminded him of her absence. I didn't blame him. But after a while it became annoying. I was also pissed at the situation as he was. I didn't see his reasoning of taking it out on me.

            Those two days, I stayed in my office researching as the meeting at the Sciencous was rescheduled for 3days ahead. I brought some fruits, chocolates and water with me so that I didn't have to go out and I studied. About everything. Leo called, so did Emma. We talk a little. Maddy also stopped by to check on me. He was great. As always. In the evening I got a call from Leo,

"Hi Ree.. How are you?" He said.

"I'm good Leo. Thank you." I said.

"Oh.. No.. You are still hiding in your office, burring your nose into books. Aren't you?" He asked.

"Do I get any other choice?" I asked. "It's better than looking at Sky being all defensive over anything I say or touch about her. It's a big house we can stay way from each other."

"I thought he said he will try and help and didn't he apologize for this exact behaviour?" Leo asked sounding irritated.

"It has difference saying something and actually doing it. Anyway I don't blame him or anything. It's just how things are." I said. "Anyway why did you called?"

"Yah.. Right.. So I got something about paradox theory. How it affects a person's body and mind. We need to meet." He said. Great. A good news.

"Great. You can come over for breakfast." I said.

"No.. Adrika.. I haven't been the exact friend that I supposed to be in these two days. After you told everything. I too turned away from you. I didn't keep my promise. I want to start over. From the very place we went outside school for the first time." He said. He was such a great friend.

"Leo.. You don't have to do that." I said.

"Of course I do. Listen there is a small little cafe in old town. Maddy would know. It's completely old fashioned. You will like it. Tomorrow at 10." He said.

"See you then." I said.

"Adrika.. Please get some rest." He said.

"Bye Leo."

           I put down the phone. Everything was so messy. I hide my face with my hands and groaned.

"Rough day!" I heard someone. I sat up quickly to see Mads was leaning on the doorframe. I smiled.

"Very." I said. He had two glasses of wine which he raised and said

"Got you some medicine."

"Bless your soul Mads!" I said and he walked to me. I took the glass and take a big sip.

"You haven't came out once today." He said leaning on my work table beside me. I looked up to him.

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