The guest

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General POV

         Dean left Acton and Adrika alone. The moment he was out of hearing range he said

"What the hell guys.. He knows."

"He does. But do plant that bug Dean. Because their conversation indicates Acton wants us to find something out. He won't mislead us. But he can't say either. Maybe he too is on surveillance of Juro." Mads said. Thinking about asking Krishn about him later because Adrika wasn't the only one who got this feeling that she knows Acton.

"Ok.. Where?"

        They guide Dean how to plant the bug. After he finished everyone could see each and every part of Acton's house.

"It's done Dean. Good job." Leo said.

"Really? You can see me?" Dean asked waving to the camera.

"Yes Dean. Now get out of there." Mads said.

"Yah..yah.. Let me enjoy my moment of success here..." He said still waving at the camera.

"Dean.. Go to Adrika now. Her microphone is off. We can't hear anything."

       Sam said in panic. Dean ran to the place where he left them. When he reached the living room Acton was hugging Adrika like a Father got his daughter back after a long while searching for her. He knew this look. He had seen this look on father's faces when he return their missing child to them. But why Acton had this look was beyond him. Adrika wasn't showing any emotion. She was stunned. Only her eyes were expressing a change. They were shedding tears like waterfall. Dean felt a pang of hurt seeing her like this but he didn't interrupt. Acton hold her face and turned it in his palms like examining a doll.

"You haven't changed a bit, do you girl..?"

"What he is doing to her.. Dean.. Do something.." Sky said. Dean coughed.

"Dean.. Here you are. Sorry your tea is cold Son." Acton said. "But we will have this chance again I presume."

"Sure sir..." Dean replied. "Mam.. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes. We should take leave now." Adrika said.

"Thank you Mr. Acton." Dean said holding Adrika by shoulders to hurry her away.

"Adrike.." Acton said when they were at door. It stopped them. They turned back. "Don't let this old man slip into nothingness again. Give me an opportunity to hang onto something of this world. You."

"I will visit you as often as I can.. I promise." Adrika said.

"I will wait for you my dear girl." Acton said.

       Dean somehow kept his cool untill they were in car and out of Acton's facility. He drove as fast as he could and when he was sure they were safe he just blew up.


"Dean you are yelling..." All of them said together including Adrika.

"Worse. Dean you are yelling profanities." Sam said.

"Sorry.. But how he knows? And what he said to you Adrika?" He said.

"He knows everything. He is someone I know.. Someone from that era. I don't know why he is here. How he is here. But he is.. He said what happened after I died.. He said what happened to my children.." Adrika said. She was clearly still disturbed.

"Rika control yourself. You are the strongest woman I know. You have to. You already know what you will find if you dig deeper. Krishn told you. Now it's happening.. You can't loose concentration. We don't know who he is. Or what he wants.. For all we know he could have said all those to mess with your head. You can't let him get in your head you hear me." Sky said in her earpiece. Adrika sighed.

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