Shadow in my toe

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Adrika's POV

Life has been a scrambled egg was an understatement. Meeting Juro was much more confusing than I bargained for. I had this feeling this wasn't end of him. He had something to do with all these. There was no reason for it but I could not shake this feeling off. He was just too weird. Emma was finding out about him but as we knew it wasn't going to be easy. It was going to be too damn hard. In the meantime I engaged myself reading this doctor's notes. I could say it was quite interesting. He did get a lot of facts correct. That meant he was worth visiting. I took out my phone to call Sky to let him know. He didn't pick up my call. Maybe in a meeting or something. I called his office number.

"Hello.. Who is this?" A woman's voice said.

"It's Adrika. Can I talk to Sky?" I said.

"Ohh.. Sorry Mam. Mr. Herbert is quite busy now. If there is a message I can take?" She said in a syrupy sweet voice. Uh.. I hate this PA types.

"No. It's ok. I'll just drop by. Is Emma there?" I asked.

"Miss.Swan is not here. Mr. Herbert is with people of Family. It's better for you that you don't interfere." She said. So she wasn't just PA.

"I'm family. And if there is some matter that I should stay away I would hear that from my husband, thank you. And I don't appreciate my own employee telling me this. " I said.

"Madam Herbert! Are you threatening me? Clearly family won't appreciate your tone either." She said.

"Tell Sky, HIS WIFE called. Thank you."

I put down the phone. That wasn't normal. I got my coat and went towards my car. On my way I called Emma. She was in fact in a meeting but she left early.

"Who is she? I don't think she was any good news." I said.

"That's Bethany. And you are right. She is a bitch. She had been trying to set her fangs on Sky for so long. But you don't have to worry Ree. Sky doesn't pay her any attention." She said.

"She threatened me. Clearly he is paying some attention. I know Sky's family don't like our marriage but this never happened. I wasn't threatened so directly before." I said. "Anyway I'm reaching office. Meet me at the lobby."

I said before putting down the phone. I pulled at the empty parking lot. Suddenly I felt like I was being watched. I stopped and looked around. There wasn't anyone around. And I had bigger fish to fry that time so I just left. Emma was waiting for me. We both walked towards Sky's office. There were a man and woman with him. They were laughing and talking. The man looked like a typical businessman. Woman had blond straight hair. Always the sign of trouble. I walked in.

"Sorry to interrupt. Sky can I talk to for a minute." I said. They all looked at me.

"I thought I made it clear in the phone." The woman said. I ignored her.

"Adrika... Dear sister in law. What are you doing here?" The man said.

"Last time I checked this was my office Marcus. What are you doing here? Still doing mummy's dirty work I see." I said. I had no idea where these information coming from.

"Let's talk outside." Sky said holding my arm. We walked out.

"What the hell is your problem?" He asked me.

"My problem is your letting your good for nothing brother talking to your wife like that." I said.

"He is my brother. Its my family. They are already pissed at the situation here. If I want relations to heal, you want to stay away from them." He said.

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