Forgive and Forget?

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"My brother..."

     Adrika's soft voice was enough to show the gravity of that word. Her brother. Krishn. He was here. In her home. No diplomacy in between. Krishn's smiling face brightened up more as his sister called him her brother instead of taking his name as introduction. He looked over to one surprised face to another. Adrika was crying with a big smile on her face. Leo was just surprised with his wand slightly raised as if to attack immediately if any kind of threat presented. Sam's eyes were big and mouth slightly open as he was looking at him. Dean was skeptical, the horrors the man went through in his life, little skepticism was well expected from him. Emma looked at him with a smirk on her face, for heaven knows what reason. Mads was giving him a pointed look. Krishn gave him a mock glare with a smile. Then his eyes went to the young man who was standing rooted to spot with an unreadable expression on his face. Krishn's eyes softened. He loved both his nephews equally. But Abhimanyu was an obedient little student, while Adhrith always challenged him with his knowledge. He spoke his mind and really didn't care for much. Krishn always find this boy intriguing. Seeing him here in this completely different atmosphere made him question his own decisions. Was it worth it?

        But before he could contemplate on that very question he was distracted by his sister's voice.

"You are here!"

"Finally! My time has come Adrike. Honestly I was getting really tired watching everything from the sideline. But before that I feel there are some questions. That needed to be answered."

"A lot of them. You can start with how Aadi is here?" Adrika asked immediately. Despite of everything going around her, her son's safety was her biggest concern.

"Well... I.. How do you know I did something?" Krishn asked desperately trying to change the topic. He was well aware of his sister's wrath.

"He gave me a device that can turn back time. Both forward and backwards." Aadi said innocently avoiding the obvious signs from Krishn to shut his mouth.

"You gave my son a time turner to leave his life behind and follow me?" Adrika yelled at her brother.

"He is actually Mamashree Krishn?" Aadi asked not sure if he trust this fact.

"Shut up Aadi." Adrika said silencing her son.

"Well aren't you looking beautiful?" Krishn again tried to change the topic.

"I'm not in mood right now. Tell me why on the heaven's sake you gave my son a time turner. I died so he could live. And you send him here." Adrika said irritated.

"Because he made himself and everyone around him miserable with his research about paradox theory. What I was supposed to do?" Krishn said in a defensive voice. For the first time Aadi saw both his mother and uncle as equals. They always felt like a power duo but the control was always in his uncle's hand. Before. But now they were just similar.

"You were supposed to tell him to drop it. His mother is dead for good. Let her stay dead. He doesn't belong here." Adrika said in same pitch of voice.

"Neither do you. Why do you think he started at the first place? Because he knew you were not dead." Krishn argued back.

"Yes.. I never felt your soul.. Never felt like you are watching over us. I light the lamp for few years but it just felt empty, because you never joined the soul stream. I never felt you actually left. So I thought your soul is stuck somewhere. Lord Ashwatthama was a devine warrior. I thought he might have trap your soul somewhere. I started digging. Then I realized everything. How you were so different. How you never fit in. So my soul theory shifted to time jump theory." Aadi said defending his uncle.

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