Powers and Memories

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Mads's POV

       Why it happens that you could not help the only person you care too much for? Why could not you hold them close and say you will make everything alright? Why dynamics around that only person is always so puzzled? Why I was not allowed to lay my heart out in front of the only woman I ever loved? I was waiting for this to happen for a long time. When this was finally happening, why it was hurting so much? Maybe because she was confused, scared and miserable and I couldn't bear it. She thought she was all alone and I wanted her to know she wasn't. I was waiting ages here for her. This was the time.. Place where she was mine. I was angry at her to not running into my arms. I was angry at someone else to forbid me to tell her the truth. I remembered calling him the day she woke up.

"Hello my old friend..." His voice was playful. I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously Krishn.. Is it necessary for you to joke around everytime we talk?" I said.

"You are the only person I have with who I can be myself Mads.. Or should I call you Dris..." I cut him.

"Shut up... Don't call me that. If until she recognize me I have to be Mads then I want her to be the one who calls me that first. Not you." He chuckled.

"Who loves her more Mads.. You or Nakul?" He asked me.

"You." I said. Because I knew I could not compete with Krishn.

"Is she awake?" He asked.

"Yes. You are coming?"

"I need to see her. It's been ages old friend. I need to see my behna. She is my tranquility." He said.

"I haven't met her yet. But.." I was cut by him.

"Remember... You can't say who you are. She need to remember you."

"I know. That was the condition you set for me to be here. With her." I said with greeted teeth.

"Come on Maddy.. Don't be a child. I didn't make the rules. And its for Adrika's safety. Who knows what effect her mind had after this astral travel." He said.

"It's not about Adrika, it's about you. You don't trust me. You never did." I said.

"Yes. I didn't trust you for my sister. But she loved you. And I trust her. I know you can kill and die for her. But I don't trust you to make smart decision. You are way too passionate for her. So do your job. Her companionship was your wish and her safety was your goal. Untill she comes to you just do that much." He said.

        I didn't know how much was right but I didn't argue. I did what he told. I stayed with her to hold her hand when she tripped and shield her when she was in danger. Every second of everyday I had this feeling that suddenly she would remember and call me by my name. And at the end of everyday I was disappointed. She was close to me now. She trust me but she still think of me as Mads. Today when we met the two brothers, Adrika knew them. How? How could she knew them not me. Things she knew about everything. How? Like how to drive a car, a house in new hope, about computers. I didn't know these when I was here for the first time. I expected her to not know either. Then I started suspecting things, that my time in mahabharat wasn't originally her time. Everyone knew that she was from a far away land. Slowly I realized, it wasn't a far away land, it was a far away time. Centuries in future. That was why she was so different. Her thoughts, way of seeing everything was so different. I asked Krishn about it. Although he didn't gave me any good explanation, he didn't deny it. Today not only the two brothers, I heard about her life too. I get to know the truth about the woman of my heart. She was a surgeon from 2019. A devotee of Krishn. Thought of him as a brother. Unknown of the fact that she was a prakritikanya. She came to our world and changed it for better. I sat out side look up to see stars.

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