The maze

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General POV

        The shock of the realisation remained with them for some time. It took some time for everyone to actually digest what was happening. When it finally sunk in, Sky was the first one to speak up.

"I thought it was lost or destroyed millennia ago. Is it still standing,  the Island?"

"To common knowledge it's been destroyed. You are right Sky but people are still hunting for it." Leo said.

"Hunting... Like people are still trying to hunt for the stolen treasure of the Ruby valley. But it doesn't mean they are finding something." Sky said.

"I agree with Sky. It's like following a myth. How will we differentiate fiction from facts?" Dean said to Adrika.

"Bhrata Krishn?" Adrika asked.

"The island was once there. Now even if it was destroyed or sunk in the deepest of the sea, the place must exist. We need the weapon from one cave. We don't need The Island in a living form." Krishn said.

"That's true. We need to figure out the co-ordinates  of the place. But how?" Dean said.

"Mom Dad?"Adrika asked.

"Sorry sweetie. No idea about that." Nivedita said.

"You said people tried to find the place right?" Sam asked Sky. He nodded "what if someone came close enough?"

"Not a far fetched idea actually. In centuries someone must have come close enough for us to get some clues." Emma said. "I will find that out."

"Emma and Sky, you two search in your connection in western hemisphere. The king and queen here can search through their end. Someone, somewhere must have known someone who knows something." Dean said.

"There were a lot of 'some's there but yah.. we can do that. I'll get my best man for it." Suryavir said.

"Misener?" Adrika asked.

"Yah... Adri had a bit of crush on him in her teen days." Nivedita said. Everyone including Krishn looked at Adrika.

"He was this rough and dark man. Ex military, Ex Secret service, that joined my Dad as threat assessment Analist. And I was a hormonal 14years old. Who would not develop a crush in that scenario?" Adrika said shyly.

"Fair enough." Emma nodded.

"It didn't helped the fact that Dad always sent him with me whenever I'm in public. To think of it, he was the reason I didn't get attracted to warrior types once I move past my teen age period. I mean it seemed silly to like someone who was similar to my teen age crush. That's why I liked Nakul better than Parth as everyone always asked me. Although Nakul was a great warrior, his personality didn't revolved around it. He was this handsome, sweet and charming prince." Adrika said smiling. Aadi seemed to love this look of his mother. Adrika never expressed her love for her husband infront of her children. Hearing her talking about his father made Aadi very happy.

"I should thank Misener for ruining a whole lifetime of mine." Mads said. Adrika fake glared him.

"But is he here Dad.. I mean in this time as well?" Adrika asked.

"I told you. We and our home is your constant. So ofcourse he is the part of your home." Suryavir said.

"It will be good to meet him again." Adrika said.

"Honey you don't have to. He isn't here right now and we can deal with him virtually." Nivedita said.

"Just because I had a crush on him didn't mean I was nice to him. I was mad at Dad and I took it out on him. Poor guy never said anything back. I should apologise to him for being a bitch all those years."

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