Some answers, some questions

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Adrika's POV

"You remind me of someone. Someone I would die for. Someone I did die for." I said. My Son's face was in front of my eyes.

"You did?" Shully asked.

"You won't understand." I said.

"I think so. I have send someone to see if that mad professor at home. We will wait for his call." He said.

"Hy.. Shully.. Before you came in the ally, someone saved me from being robbed. Do you know who it was?" I asked remembering the incident.

"I didn't saw. It was dark. How did he look like?" He asked.

"I don't know I didn't saw either. He didn't stayed. He was using a katana blade. Lean build." I said.

"Many people use that kind of blade around here. Didn't you see any string on it?" He asked.

"String?" Emma asked.

"These blades are normally so similar that people tie beautiful strings on the handle to differentiate their from other." Shully said.

"It was gold. I saw some beads.. Like pearls, ruby and emerald." I said.

"That fancy han?" Shully said.

"It sounds like Moon." Ethan said.

"Moon?" I asked.

"Yah. We call him moon of course. We don't know his name. Nobody does. He just appear around here near full moon then vanishes off. He keep it to himself. Don't talk to anyone. He is one reason I've been in that part of forest." Ethan replied.

"What do you mean?" Leo asked.

"He beings me herbs. The herbs that are found deep with in. He sells them to me. I think he also sells someone richer because he never asks for anything. Doesn't haggle either. Just takes what ever I give. But always has money for everything. I have seen him in finest clothes. Hats. He hasn't been here for quite a long time. And I was running out of supplies." Ethan said.

"Maybe he is a werewolf. Young ones have problem with the changing, maybe he couldn't control the change during full moon so he comes here near woods to run or something." Mads said.

"It's possible. And as you live with a werewolf, he can smell Mads on you and thought you are his mate or something. That's why he helped you. Werewolves protect their own people." Shully said.

"I don't know. Maybe.. But he did save me. Ethan next time you see him please tell him that I'm grateful." I said.

"Of course. If he is here. He will drop by in one or two days." He said.

"The professor is home." Shully said.

         It was a indication that we needed to leave. Ethan stood up and came to me. He put out my hand for a shake but I hugged him. I didn't know why, I felt like I hugged one of my boys. Like my son was with me. He looked at me in disbelief as I hold his face. What a noble soul he was.

"Lee.. Get him admitted to Bubbling Cauldron. He will do a training with scholarship. Then a paid internship under you. Teach him everything you know." I said not looking away from his eyes.

"Sure boss." Leo said. Shully was just overjoyed. He was saying some inaudible words.

"Can't let your talent and cause go to waste can I?" I said.

"Are you the angel?" He asked.

"Just the healer." I said.

      He bid me farewell. We walked through the narrow allies and turns. We stopped as we reached in front of a shabby house. There was a broken junk of a car in front. Actually the whole surrounding looked like a junk yard. I looked around curiously before Shully said

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