Journey Further

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        After the day with everyone Adrika was tired and genuinely confused. She loved Mads yet was she really ready. And was it really a time for this this while all these things happening around her. Her son was with her, her brother was with her, she was in her family home with her parents, there was a threat upon all the things that she loved yet being with Mads seemed so right, so pure. She wasn't ready to decide right now after the game she left before everyone came back to sit down. She told Emerald that she would go and have some rest so that no one would bother her, but really, she just wandered around the castle and found the study room of her father. Obviously, it's familiar to her but she was in there very few times growing up. Her father's study was really a forbidden place for her. This was the place where his father disappeared to get rid of her in her mind of course this is what hell her teenage mind told her. This time she took a deep look around the room. There are several pictures around. Of her. Her parents. Mads. And all the people around her parents. She found an album of her parent's charity event pictures. Going through all the pictures she realized how misunderstood her parents were for her and people she explained to about them. They were making sure to keep the world a better place for everyone and all she did was complain and whine.

"Adrika! What are you doing here Honey?" Suryavir asked. Adrika didn't turn. She let her father came to her. It was a picture she was holding. Suryavir smiled at the pictures.

"I loved this picture of you and Mumma

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"I loved this picture of you and Mumma. You guys look happy here. This one should be in the living room instead of that hideous portrait."

"Classic Adri! Hating everything traditional."

"Classic Dad! Always a stuck up."

"Hy...! That's no way to rain on your Oldman's parade. God, I missed you darling." Suryavir said hugging Adrika.

"I missed you too Dad."

"I know baby... speaking of portraits. Don't you think it's about time you and your husbands should be there next to your kin." Adrika looked up in her father's embrace.

"You are my kin, Dad. You and Mumma. No one else. Those pictures are fictional as long as I'm concerned. The woman I thought my grandmother was a witch you two had to keep an eye on me."

"I know... But I thought it would be nice to have a family tradition. To ensure the stability among our lives. To have a normal relationship. Having ice cream together while we talk about utter nonsense."

"Dad... We are not normal. Nothing about us is normal. You are a zauberior, which is a freakishly powerful wizard. I'm the prakritikanya who apparently can travel among dimensions. Mumma is a witch by the way. I'm being hunted by an evil immortal of a story which was supposed to be mythology turned to be history, because he once killed me and somehow that was my fault. Tell me which aspect of our life is normal." Adrika tried to sum up the complicated life she was having right then. Suryavir smiled to shock her.

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