Danny, You're A Star // Sam & Danny

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Warnings: smut alert! [handjobs; oral sex] 18+ only

I love the song "Andy, You're A Star" by The Killers and I love Danny and Sam...I'm truly a woman with a dream. I hope you enjoy this little AU!


Andy, you're a star

in nobody's eyes but mine.


Raking his fingers through the long, thick strands of hair, the deep umber turned an almost inky black in the moonlight, Sam could remember when it was much, much shorter, and when, from the bleachers beyond the field, he would observe the dampness of it clinging to Danny's temples in the heat of the sun and his own exertion, a big, tan hand tearing off his helmet to reveal the short, wet, curling mess. He had trained himself to have an even better eye--an eye just for one player--those four years. He had honed in on Danny and Danny alone, only going to the high school football games to watch him and to anxiously fidget in his seat, knuckles going pale as he gripped the bleachers and watched, fascinated and, whether he knew it consciously or not, falling completely head over heels.

He would have never expected to be making out with Danny in that same football field two years later. Still young enough to have the ghosts of teenage hormones ripping through his body, Sam rolled on top of Danny and straddled him eagerly, bony knees digging into the cool grass and soft dirt so their thighs could lock; Danny groaned and those big, strong hands--which Sam had memorized every vein, tendon and bone in--roamed over his back and down to his hips, thumbs moving past Sam's t-shirt to grace his bare skin.

Every kiss was hungrier than the last and Sam was glad for it. He'd expected Danny to have an appetite but for him by now, though it was still a little surprising. But it hadn't taken much for them to get to this point. Sam's little confession, sent via text when he was stoned beyond belief, had actually worked out and there Danny was, groping and grabbing him as the two of them nearly melted into the ground.

With one hand pressed against Danny's chest, Sam shoved him down flat and pulled back to catch his breath as he marveled at the young man underneath himself. Danny was so striking, he always had been, with those eyes that shook Sam to the core every time they caught his own. He could still remember so vividly the first time they'd made eye contact--social studies in 10th grade. It was the first class they'd ever had together and it proved that Danny was no dumb jock, not by a long shot. He was quiet and careful, far more studious than Sam ever was, and even though at the time Sam knew it wasn't anything at all, having Danny look at him made him feel like he was the only person in the room.

It had only gotten worse--or maybe better--from there. Social studies in 10th grade became Sam's favorite class; then he went to every football game of every season, always hoping Danny would catch him after, but it took until senior year for that to happen. And another year before they actually hung out. And another year before Sam finally had Danny where he'd always wanted him--spread out on that glistening green, open football field.

"What is it?" Danny asked, a shy smile moving across his lips, his hands still on Sam's hips.

"Just looking," Sam answered honestly, taking a deep breath and studying Danny's face some more, his eyes traveling from the crown of Danny's head to his chin and back up to his eyes. "Have I ever told you how many times I thought about this?"

Danny chuckled softly and slipped his fingers underneath Sam's shirt to rest on his abdomen. "How many times?"

Sam ducked down, their noses nearly touching: "So many times. You know I came to every game just because of you, right?"

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