Loopy // Danny x Josh [smut]

100 3 5

Word Count: ~4900

Warnings: 420 blaze it; frottage. 18+ only

Just wanted to write about these two, specifically from around 2019 <3 Hope you enjoy!

"Shit," Danny muttered breathlessly, leaning back in the driver's seat. The windows were all up and all fogged so the outside world was almost entirely invisible–that was just fine with Josh, who was sitting in the passenger seat, basking in the warmth and the musky, earthy fragrance that filled the small space. Danny sighed contentedly and rolled his head to the side, looking right at him as he said, "I wish I could feel like this forever."

Josh giggled a little, already way higher than he expected to get. Actually, he hadn't expected to get high at all–he'd expected to just meet Danny at their usual spot, swap cash for weed and part ways. They smoked together after the deal was done fairly often, but not every time, and today Danny had seemed oddly on edge before they started smoking.

"Don't you feel like this most of the time?" Josh quipped, flicking the lighter back to life to take another hit. Was smoking yourself sober a real thing? If so, he thought he might inadvertently make it happen if they smoked anymore. He thought of himself as a certified stoner, but Danny lived on another planet.

Danny laughed louder than Josh had ever heard him, tilting his head back so he was looking out into the fogged glass. "Most of the time, yeah. It's par for the course, man," he said. When he reached for the bowl that Josh passed back, their fingers brushed and Josh's whole hand tingled so much with the touch, it was like Danny was made of lightning.

An onset of loud pitter-patters began to hit the car; fat droplets of rain smacked the windows and made glossy trails. Josh watched them, each one seeming to move in slow motion, and the music from the car stereo began to drown out with the sound of the heavy downpour.

"Oh, man," Danny remarked, tapping on his window and peering out. "Look at that."

Josh followed his gaze out the driver's side, managing a glimpse of billowing wet, green leaves outside through the fog. It was so cozy inside the car, inside the haze, sitting with his own nervous but excited energy and Danny's friendly, easygoing presence. He didn't want to leave. He'd keep smoking until the whole half ounce he bought was gone if it meant more time together.

Danny answered Josh's silent plea by announcing, turning again to look into his dry, slightly bleary eyes: "Looks like we're not going anywhere for a bit. Want me to pack another?"

Josh's heart hammered along with the rain. "I can do it," he offered, already reaching for the bag of weed he'd bought.

Danny gave a playful, light shove to his shoulder. "Nah, stop it. I said I'd smoke you up, so let me smoke you up." He grinned while he retrieved the little plastic jar he was keeping his current stash in. "Save yours for another rainy day. Right?"

Normally, Josh was sure he'd have something cute and witty to reply with. But he was so stoned and so giddy with his elation of being mere inches away from Danny that his brain felt like nothing more than a mass of candy-colored swirls, his usual thoughts lost in the mix. He hadn't had a crush like this in ages, and never did he think he'd ever be down bad for a dealer. Not that he had anything against dealers, at least not people who sold the "soft" stuff–he had lots of experience with plenty of them since high school–but Danny was just different.

And gorgeous. Josh had noticed that right away. Danny was gorgeous now, with the faint pink flush across the bridge of his nose and his cheekbones; the way his dark, loose curls fell against his shoulders, the ends brushing against his collarbones that were just barely visible thanks to the few undone buttons of his shirt. Josh could even see a bit of his chest hair, stark in color and contrasting with the subtle golden hue of his skin. Josh found himself staring at that triangular spot of skin revealed between the flannel shirt, counting his chest hairs, wondering what his skin would feel like under his hands.

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