Between Us II // Danny Wagner *SMUT*

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Warnings: hand stuff; mouth stuff; over-the-clothes sex, basically; allusions to threeways (obviously) 18+ read at your own discretion

So I had to continue on with Danny & Sam, it's just that Sam may have fallen behind momentarily. I'm always thirsting after Danny but lately it's been unquenchable. Not to worry, though–Sam will be back!

Making threeways with Danny and Sam a regular occurrence hadn't been a plan for any one of you but, since the first one, they kept happening. Well, it was a lot of work, so it actually happened twice since, but that was three times more than you'd ever expected. Despite it being a lot of work and always a little clumsy, all three of you learning as you went along, the threeways were really fun.

You, Danny and Sam actually became your own unit. None of you ever declared that you were all in a relationship but that's often how it felt. If you thought you'd spent a lot of time with them before, now was like being attached to both of their hips. All of you had even agreed on a rule: no sex without all three of you present. It was totally unorthodox, you knew that, and you all sort of laughed when Sam had proposed it, but it made sense to avoid hurt feelings.

That rule did have its difficulties, like when you were watching a movie with Danny and feeling particularly horny. You'd actually hoped Sam would join so you'd all be able to have sex but he had other plans, leaving just you and beautiful Danny on your couch, you paying more attention to him than the movie itself.

"Sam never specified what counts as sex," you said suddenly, unable to take the ever-growing need any longer. Danny looked too good. He had his hair half-up and was wearing a deep purple button-down shirt–half unbuttoned–with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and he was watching the movie with such focus that he turned you on even more. You wanted that focus on you.

He turned to look at you with his brow slightly furrowed. "Huh?"

"We never talked about what 'sex' means," you went on. "Like, is that fucking? Or does hand stuff count? Mouth stuff?"

Danny chuckled, blushing. "Yeah, I don't know."

You were aching. "We can make out, right?"

"Yeah. Do you want to?"

You bit your lip, smiling. "Yeah. It's never been just us two–do you want to?"

Danny answered by leaning into you and cupping the side of your face, gently pressing his lips to yours. He kind of tasted like Coca Cola and the scent of whatever new cologne he'd been wearing only added to his allure–you quickly pushed him back against the couch and straddled him, placing your palms flat on his exposed chest.

You never broke your kisses as you unbuttoned the rest of his shirt, his groin right under yours, his bulge pressed up against you through his jeans. You couldn't decide who was a better kisser, Sam or Danny, because they both had their own styles that you loved. Sam was more eager to use his teeth on your bottom lip or even to scrape your tongue; he was a little more chaotic and it led to things escalating pretty quickly. Danny moved more slowly, always seeming to want the kisses to last a long time, and tended to follow your lead.

This night was no exception–when you deepened the kiss, Danny followed, and soon your tongues were meeting and you were grinding yourself into him, wrapping your hand around the side of his neck while his hands were on your hips. With the friction he was getting hard underneath you and it took considerable self-restraint to not get down on the floor and get his dick out; instead you slowed down, remembering the rule you'd all agreed upon, though you were getting wetter by the minute.

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