Granite // Danny Wagner *SMUT*

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Our sweet boy gets a little dirty in this one. Writing Danny dirty talking like this was a little challenging but I ended up getting more into it than I expected. Quite honestly, I have thought about this request nearly every day (night...) since I got it and I love it so much, so thank you for bringing it to me! Also, feel free to let me know how y'all feel about the shorter fics, the more PWP type fics. I know many of my oneshots are really long so I figured something more succinct might be a nice break. I hope you enjoy ~~

Danny's fingers were warm as he laid them over you, his other hand between your shoulder blades to keep you supported as you leaned back and angled your hips out. Your hands were clasped around his shoulders, your own fingers gradually digging in more and more as the hand between your legs wrapped around your thigh and squeezed; you leaned forward just enough to meet him with a feather-light kiss and then cool air rushed over you as he pulled your panties to the side.

"Want more?" he asked, leaning back to look into your eyes, a flash of a challenge and fire in his own. He'd taken you by surprise, literally, in the kitchen, grabbing you and pulling you down into the chair with him, your mouth overtaken by a deep kiss before you could utter a single word.

You reached down and grabbed his wrist in response, guiding his fingers back to your heat, spreading your legs over his thighs; he ghosted two fingertips over your clit and the hand on your back slid up to the nape of your neck and urged you forward. You leaned in, mouths connecting again as his middle finger slid inside you.

Where all of this had come from was a mystery–maybe pent up from months and months of residual restlessness and residual exhaustion alike that came together to make Danny behave a little more unconventionally. He was already purring sweet things in your ear as he moved his mouth against your cheek, little kisses between each statement, his own soft grunts and moans driving you wild in his lap.

You started to hump and grind; he added another finger slowly. The restriction of your underwear around your thighs and pelvis, most of your clothes still on and all of Danny's still on overpowered the cool air in the kitchen but you breathed through it, inhaled heat and exhaled invisible smoke. You opened your eyes and leaned back enough to look at him in the sunlight filtering through the window, a robe of soft yellow around his hair and reflecting in his eyes as he turned and caught the perfect slant of light against his cheekbone.

"Goddamn, you're so wet," Danny said, smirking a bit, not taking his eyes off you. You ground back and forth on his fingers again, him having stopped moving them so you took it upon yourself to do the work, getting them as deep as you could. His eyes moved down as his free hand squeezed your breast through your shirt. "You're gonna make a mess all over me."

"I'll pay you back," you managed to promise, breaths already coming out ragged. You leaned back in and arched your back, making Danny curl his fingers to keep you there, just brushing against your g-spot and the fly of his jeans just brushing over your clit. It wasn't fair for you to only be tormented, so you teased him with a gentle kiss on his lips and then dove straight to his neck, foregoing the loose strands of hair hanging down to sink your teeth into his skin and suck until he was writhing under you.

The fact that he was hard but not attempting to do anything to get himself off made it even hotter. Lovingly, hungrily accosting you in the kitchen was probably equally for his own enjoyment as it was for yours but him doing nothing but touching and caressing you from the inside out and leaving the rest for later, if even then, was completely tantalizing. You kissed around his throat to the other side of his neck, nipping and licking, but then rested your face there as he drove his fingers in deeper and grabbed your ass, coercing you to hump him harder.

"That's it, give it to me," he purred again, low and soft. "Ride my fingers, make yourself cum all over me."

So close, so very close, you just needed to angle yourself a little lower to rub your clit against his hard-on, the denim a surprisingly good way to start rushing to the edge.

"I'm gonna want more," Danny went on, another challenge laced through his words. He wiggled his fingers and then thrust them as you ground back and forth, teeth already sinking into his neck again as you started to contract around him. "After this, I'm gonna bend you over and eat that pussy until you can't stand up anymore."

There it was. You bit down hard, making him hiss, and your moans were muffled against his skin and caught in your throat as you shuddered and bucked; he squeezed your ass harder and slid his fingers in and out slowly, the wetness slick around them and slicking onto your thighs and his jeans. No recovery time granted, Danny withdrew and then started to stand up from the chair, taking you with him and standing you up, turning you around and pushing you against the kitchen counter.

He pulled your crumpled, tangled and wet panties down and spread your legs; you were still trying to catch your breath as he placed his hand on the small of your back and bent you over, that hand meeting the other at your hips and pulling you forward, his mouth adhering to your skin so he could bite into one cheek. His fingers moved between your legs again as he slid his left hand around your hip and pelvis, the slick still glossed over them the perfect lube to rub over your clit.

But you were still so sensitive, already shaking and half-wondering, as his tongue made contact with your wet center, if you'd be able to stay standing. Whatever–Danny would keep you propped up there if you couldn't.

He licked up and down slowly and held off on teasing your clit, just letting his fingertips rest there. Even with his slowed and softer licks and touches you were breathlessly panting, ready to moan his name loud enough for all the neighbors to hear. Danny's tongue slid up again and then deeper, warming inside you, him even relinquishing a low moan as he lapped at your wetness and tasted every inch of you possible.

When you did finally moan his name, he started to circle your clit again, slow but steady and then increasing in speed as you bucked back against his face and moaned his name again, louder. The leftover electricity from your first orgasm surged hard and wild, your body feeling as though he was touching you absolutely everywhere even though he wasn't, like the sensation of his warm and wet tongue licking and slobbering over you shot straight up your spine and out into every vein, every muscle, every limb.

Certainly your limbs–your legs were shaking and your arms were too, the threat of collapsing onto the granite seeming more and more like fate.

Danny broke away and you whined desperately. "One more. I can feel it, you're almost there." He moved in again and dragged his tongue up slowly, his hand on your ass squeezing hard enough to leave a temporary imprint at the very least. "Cum all over my face, Y/N."

You bucked back again; he dove back in and sucked and nipped at your folds, licking in between, the slurping and moans echoing in the kitchen. You let your head drop against your forearm and moaned too, and reached one hand down to replace Danny's fingers at your clit–he'd done too much, too fast and now you wanted to get off hard and quick, really give him the mess he'd been instigating.

With you taking over, Danny grabbed both cheeks and spread you out more, his tongue diving inside as his mouth caressed you in tandem with its wiggles and lips. Stars were returning to the darkness behind your eyes and his name was ready to roll over your lips again, your body and mind both spent and aching; your thighs were shuddering, threatening to give you, and as you came again he had to hold you upright with his hands on your hips, the last few licks over you made to lap up your slick and both clean you up and make you dirtier at the same time.

Danny pulled you up and against his chest, keeping you steady as your shudders and panting breaths and moans started to die down. He nuzzled against your neck and then your cheek, nudging you with his nose before giving your flushed, hot cheek a kiss. "Amazing," was all he said and held you tighter. He squeezed you and hummed; you laid back, relaxing in his arms. His hard-on was still there, pressing into your backside and your heart leaped at the thought of another round–his stamina may have been boundless but you were wiped out–but then he asked, "Are you hungry?"

You laughed a little and closed your eyes, sighing. "I could eat." 

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